Search by tag «Main» 2231 results

  • Science for Whetting Your Appetite

    How can one use a math model when preparing a perfect steak? What is the connection between ice cream and hydrocolloid basics? How do microwaves, steam and pressure affect food? All these questions are topics of interactive lectures for high-school students who will take part in ITMO’s "Edible Science" course.


  • Creating Quartz-Based Nanocomposites: ITMO’s New International Collaboration

    ITMO University in collaboration with Jean Monnet University (France) will develop composite nanostructures for creating "laboratories-on-a-chip", new optical memory devices, and such. Porous glass will be used as a base for these nanostructures — scientists will add different substances and use lasers to create composites with various properties. The international research team will also continue the research on the effects of different modes of laser's operation on composites, which is essential for getting particular properties. The project will be carried out at the expense of the grant of the Federal Targeted Program "Research and Development in Priority Areas of Development of the Russian Scientific and Technological Complex for 2014−2020".


  • Third Session of Hermitage’s Art&Science Project: How Air Harms Paintings and Why Would One Make a Mold of Grass?

    Why paintings dull and cover with cracks? Can scientists help artists in creating art? These are only few of the questions brought up by the lecturers of the "Art&Science: Art, Science, Museum" project conducted at the State Hermitage Museum. For those who missed the chance to visit the event, we publish the main ideas brought up by the lecturers.


  • Genome Editing Will Help Cure HIV

    As of now, there's only one person in the whole world who's been cured from HIV after an operation in 2007. This event inspired many scientists, and now they are getting closer to obtaining an effective cure for this disease. The AGCT Company — a resident of ITMO's Technopark — is about to start pre-clinical research of a new technology for curing HIV using gene therapy based on transplanting stem cells. According to Marina Popova, head of the company, genome editing that is used for this technology is a great breakthrough in science, comparable to the control of fire or space exploration.


  • Project 5−100 May Be Extended Until 2025

    Yaroslav Kuzminov, Rector of the Higher School of Economics, has recently met Vladimir Putin to report the results of Project 5−100. As a representative of the Global Universities association, he also brought up the proposition to prolong the project until 2025.


  • The Art&Science Cluster Opens Its Doors

    Recently ITMO University initiated the Art&Science Cluster. Created thanks to the interaction of specialists from different areas and fields like science, education, culture, business and art, this "innovative environment" will meet the requirements of the modern world. Read how experts in such dissimilar fields plan to work side by side.


  • International Relations at ITMO University in 2016: Successes and Plans

    Over the last year, ITMO University has participated in various international events, ranging from conferences and seminars to exhibitions and award ceremonies. Such participation increases the University’s visibility on a global scale, expands its relationships with international professors and faculty from the top universities in the world. But how can you actually measure ITMO University’s effectiveness in international relations? By the number of international students? The university’s news portal together with the Vice Rector for International Relations, Daria Kozlova explained why we need international educational conferences and how participating in them influences the university’s development.


  • How to Hack into Something That Cannot be Hacked?

    Quantum technologies is one of the main trends of modern IT. Though scientists have yet to develop a full-fledged quantum computer that can solve tasks impossible for silicon ones, quantum cryptography systems are already here. Their main advantage is that it’s impossible to intercept information transferred by such systems (for details, read here). Still, one can't exclude the possibility of successful hacking of a quantum cryptography system. In an interview to our portal, Vadim Makarov, Head of the Quantum Hacking Laboratory of the Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo in Canada, shared about who and why attempt to hack such systems.


  • President Putin Acknowledged Inventions by Quantum Communications and Diakont Company

    On December 25th, President Vladimir Putin and Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of Kazakhstan, paid an official visit to the Diakont Company which hosted the exhibition of Saint. Petersburg's high-technology organizations. Such companies as Lenpoligraphmash, ROTEX and ITMO's Quantum Communications SIE made their presentations at the event.


  • From White Nights to Black Days: Surviving the Deep, Dark Winter in St. Petersburg

    One of the most exquisite agonies of living in St Petersburg is the sheer, precipitous speed with which winter closes its jaws on the city. It's really not so long ago that the evening skies — though not quite burning with the boundless intensity of White Nights — were still serviceably bright while the majestic bridges continued to yawn into the luminous twilight with admirable tenacity and enthusiasm.
