Search by tag «Biology» 28 results

  • Evolutionary Biologist David Seaborg: Science Enriches Our Lives with Fantastic Ideas and Discoveries

    When talking about science, David Seaborg says that the music, art, and theater are important in exciting people and catching their interest about science and scientific issues, such climate change and the extinction crisis. A renowned evolutionary biologist and the son of Nobel Laureate Glenn T. Seaborg, David has founded and currently leads the World Rainforest Fund, a non-profit organization dedicated to saving the rainforest and preserving biodiversity worldwide. This year, David Seaborg will speak at the 4th International Conference on the Periodic Table that will take place at ITMO University. We talked to the scientist about the usefulness Periodic Table, the promising potential of alternative energy sources, and why establishing a dialog between politicians and society is so important.


  • Science-Pop for All Ages: ITMO Scientists’ How-To

    Bioinformatics specialists from ITMO University and the Institute of Gene Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences have recently published a children’s book about germs. In this interview with ITMO.NEWS, Alexander Tyakht and Dmitriy Alekseev from ITMO’s laboratory ‘Computer technologies’ share about their book and the importance of explaining complex scientific concepts to kids.


  • The Neuroscience of Love

    An fMRI scan will highlight the parts of the human brain that become active when you see a picture of your ex. Men and women’s brains exhibit different behaviors after sex. Tumors in different areas of the brain can change one’s sexual habits or turn a do-gooder into a maniac. So will we able to manipulate our own romantic feelings in the future? We asked Polina Krivykh, a clinical psychologist, psychophysiologist, science communicator and mentor at Evolution Foundation’s Lecturer School.


  • Robot’s DNA, Biofuel Cells and Holographic Protection: SCAMT Workshop Week at ITMO

    ITMO University has recently hosted SCAMT Workshop Week, an interdisciplinary workshop aimed at helping students acquire in-depth knowledge and practical skills in chemistry and biology, as well as work on their own project in the field of modern nanotechnologies. This year, a total of ten projects were presented at the workshop. Among the highlights are a nano-pharmaceutical drug, a holographic  protection  system, and a robot’s DNA. Organized at ITMO for the second time, the event brought together 55 Bachelor’s and Master’s students from 18 regions of Russia, as well as Ukraine and Belarus.


  • How Your Brain Makes Decisions

    Economics, psychology and biology have long studied the process of decision making. It is at the intersection of these subjects that the new science of neuroeconomics, an interdisciplinary field that studies decision making in multiple choice and "risk/reward" situations, has emerged. Vasily Klucharev, the Deputy Dean for Behavioural Sciences at the Higher School of Economics, expanded on this new field of study during an open lecture he gave as part of ITMO’s Science Communication Master’s program.


  • SCAMT Lab's Anna Fakhardo Talks Nanobots and Cancer Research

    How does the nation’s top IT university develop biotechnologies? By bringing in the right researchers! Anna Fakhardo, a second-year PhD student at ITMO’s International Laboratory “Solution Chemistry of Advanced Materials and Technologies” (SCAMT), is one of the first to initiate biological research at the lab. The young scientist also oversees two projects as part of the Pharma 2020 federal program, which both include pre-clinical trials. In late 2017, she became the recipient of the SCAMT Achievement Award. ITMO.NEWS spoke to Anna about her research.


  • ITMO Scientists Help Link Alzheimer’s to Lack of Energy in Immune Cells

    An international scientific team that includes scientists from ITMO University has discovered why a mutation or lack of TREM2 protein in the nervous system of immune cells increases the likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s disease. It turns out that in these cases, immune cells cease to receive nourishment and begin to “digest” themselves. The research was published in Cell journal.


  • Second Day of Geek Picnic: Evolution, Rats and Superstition

    How do humans fare in isolation, why do some believe in the supernatural or even see faces on the surface of Mars? Why does one need to understand the theory of relativity and what is a neurotheatre? The Geek Picnic festival has come to an end. Thousands of guests had the opportunity to attend dozens of venues, hear stories and news from the fields of science, gaming and technology and meet famous scientists and science writers, program their own chameleon-lamp and build a custom rocket. Read on to find out more about the things one could see, hear, taste and touch on the festival’s closing day.
