Search by tag «Projects» 125 results

  • ITMO’s Advanced Engineering School Awards 1.5 Million Ruble Grants to Interdisciplinary Teams’ Tech Projects

    Advanced engineering schools have been launched across the country in 2022 as part of a federal project. Its main goal is to train principal engineers who can assemble interdisciplinary teams and use data-driven approaches to integrate new products into partner companies’ processes. ITMO’s Advanced Engineering School is part of the effort. Recently, it has awarded grants of up to 1.5 million rubles to ten interdisciplinary teams made up of ITMO Master’s and PhD students. We spoke to some of the winners about their projects and future plans.


  • ITMO’s Advanced Engineering School Awards Grants to Genetics, Machine Learning, Nanomaterials Projects

    Having been founded earlier in 2022 with federal support, ITMO's Advanced Engineering School has already welcomed its 55 first students, chosen from among the participants of the Master's programs Chemistry and Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning Engineering, and Digital Systems Engineering. Recently, the school held a scholarship contest to support ambitious students wishing to develop their own products alongside their Master’s studies and acquire the competencies of lead engineers. In this article, we talk to the creators of three winning projects about their plans and goals now that they’ve won the scholarship.


  • How To Efficiently Pitch a Business Idea

    You may already have your dream team and product but what about funding? What can you do to get investors interested in your idea and, most importantly, convince them to do business with you? In this article, Artem Stupak, a business coach, psychologist, and expert at the Entrepreneurial Competence Training project, shares his tips and tricks to a successful business pitch.


  • ITMO Highpark Connected to Water Supply

    Vodokanal of St. Petersburg (the city’s main water utilities enterprise – Ed.) has reported that the  research and education center ITMO Highpark, located in the Yuzhny satellite city, has been connected to the city’s water supply and disposal infrastructure. 


  • ITMO Student Makes App to Play Music With Emotions

    Emotion recognition is widely used to monitor the emotional state of drivers, prevent health hazards, or deliver new gaming experiences – but what about art? Can such technologies, say, help musicians compose or improvise? They certainly can, says Garri Proshian, a graduate of ITMO’s Faculty of Software Engineering and Computer Systems, who has created a service that allows you to play musical instruments hands-free, using only your facial expressions. Learn more about his invention in the article.


  • Unique VR Experiences Created by ITMO Students

    If you’ve ever wanted to cook in the kitchen from Ratatouille, travel to the past, or peek inside the human body, you can now do that with projects developed by graduates of ITMO’s Computer Technologies in Design Bachelor’s program. Read on for backstage development stories of Matrix-inspired virtual realities and cartoon-like sets.


  • ITMO.STARS Winners On Career, Science, and New Projects

    The ITMO.STARS contest (application deadline: July 25) allows talented applicants to enroll at ITMO University regardless of their Unified State Exam scores. This initiative was launched five years ago and since then, several dozen gifted applicants submitted their projects and used them to enter the university. Last year, 19 students became finalists of the contest. In this story, some of them describe what they’ve managed to achieve since then.


  • ITMO Hosts First Research Summer Camp in Biotechnology

    ITMO University recently hosted the first Research Summer Camp in Biotechnology, organized by the international research center "Biotechnologies of the Third Millenium." Participants from nine countries including China, India, Egypt, and Turkey gathered to learn about cutting-edge methods and research trends in food biotechnologies. 


  • FAQ: Dealing With Anxiety

    There are many reasons why we might feel anxiety – from global events and crises to exams or our everyday chores. But what are the mechanisms behind it? And are there any experimentally proven ways to overcome anxiety? With these questions, we turned to researchers from ITMO’s Center for Neuroscience in Education, headed by Maxim Likhanov, a participant of ITMO’s Fellowship & Professorship program. The center has recently launched a project aiming to develop and implement techniques that will improve the mental well-being of ITMO students.


  • Medical Solutions, Exoskeletons, and New Foods: Latest Projects by ITMO Students

    A round of project defenses was recently held at ITMO University for the participants of a competition for practice-oriented research and R&D projects. All in all, 13 were presented at the event – all of the projects received financial support in 2020 and 2021, while those that are yet to reach completion will receive further assistance.
