Search by tag «AI» 60 results

  • Results of European Parliament Discussion on Robot Economy

    The European Parliament has recently hosted a workshop on the topic “Economy of Robots”. Although a complete integration of robots and AI into humanity’s everyday life is expected to come in a few generations, the process has already begun. Experts outlined the issues that may arise in the meantime. Among the workshop’s participants were Aleksandr Kapitonov, a research assistant at ITMO’s Department of Computer Science and Control Systems, and Sergei Lonshakov, an ITMO alumnus and founder of Airalab.


  • RAISON Developers on Using AI for Financial Analysis

    On November 11 to 14, the d10e conference on financial technologies was held in Davos, Switzerland. Among the topics were FinTech, ICO, blockchain, sharing economy. RAISON, a project by ITMO’s small innovative enterprise “Intellectual Information Systems” (IIS) and Threesixty Elements S.A. was presented there. In the near future, RAISON will become an investor’s pocket assistant: the system analyses the market, news and historical data to advise users on investment strategies. The project is based on elements of the AI system AKIL.IO developed by IIS. Denis Zhuk, AKIL.IO’s sales manager and PhD student at ITMO, and Andrey Gordeychuk, head of IIS, talk about RAISON and the integration of new technologies into the investment ecosystem.


  • Game Development Education on the Rise in Russia

    According to Newzoo, the global games market will reach almost 109 billion dollars by the end of 2017. University programs that train future game developers also grow in number. The Russian games market is expected to reach 1.4 billion by the end of this year, say Newzoo. However there are still very few game development programs in Russia. Where and how can one learn the subject and can universities train developers and managers at an acceptable level? This was the topic of a panel discussion at the GameDev Meetup organized by GameBeets community. The event’s organizers and speakers spoke with ITMO.NEWS about the future of game development in higher education, talent shortage, market needs and the reasons why neural networks can’t replace humans – at least for now.


  • ITMO and Acronis Open New IT Lab

    The new laboratory will give students the opportunity to work on tasks developed by Acronis under the guidance of the top IT gurus. Being mostly devoted to research purposes these projects can become a base for theses and scientific articles. 


  • From Entertainment to Medicine: Programmers Presented their Projects at AI Hackathon

    The AI Hackathon took place in the Higher School of Economics last weekend. Fifty seven teams presented ML, DL and AI technologies for solving medical, financial, social and many other problems. During the hackathon’s finals, 38 teams presented their projects in a three-minute pitch format.


  • Gutenberg’s Lounge: Human-like Intelligence or a Spotless Mind?

    Now robots can write poems, play Go and win as well as make jokes. It seems that they will soon feel like we do and surpass all humans. Alexey Potapov, professor at ITMO and St. Petersburg State University, author of books on AI and speaker of the science popular project Gutenberg's Lounge, shared about how to empower AI, why it is wrong to create AI in the image and likeness of the human brain and how to control "smart" machines.


  • Engineers Teach Self-Driving Cars Think

    Self-driving cars is not a piece of science fiction — they have become part of today’s reality. According to the experts, this kind of transport is to make driving safer and reduce traffic density. However, traffic rules for self-driving cars are yet to be created. The main question is whether they have to be managed by a control unit or serve as autonomous systems? The residents of ITMO’s Future Technologies accelerator offered the multiagent control system for vehicle self-operation.


  • Artificial Intelligence: How to Regulate Human-Machine Interaction?

    European Parliament initiated a discussion devoted to rules of how humans and computers with AI have to communicate. The question is whether to consider machines computer-based personalities or not. We’ve asked ITMO’s experts about their views on "roboethics."


  • Gutenberg’s Lounge — Machines and Intuition

    Sometimes you are totally sure about something, but you just can't explain why. That is what intuition is. So, is it possible to teach intuition to a machine? And is there any point to it? Ivan Ivanchei, a research associate from Saint Petersburg State University, shared on this subject during the recent session of the Gutenberg's Lounge sci-pop project.


  • How New Technologies Make Smart Systems Really Smart

    Modern computers are able to see, think and make decisions. Fortunately they are not smarter than humans but they also can learn, which makes it possible to bridge a gap in the nearest future.
