Search by tag «Main» 2235 results

  • Practices in Management: An Optional Course by ITMO Student

    Not only lecturers, but also students at ITMO can create and teach their own optional courses. This April, first winners of the contest for original courses and participants of the ITMO.Mentors initiative launched their own courses at the university. Maria Tsyplyaeva, a first-year Master’s student at the Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations, is one of the new lecturers with her course Practices in Management, where she will talk about building systems for daily management tasks based on her three years of experience as a project manager. What is it like to make your own course from the ground up? And why should students attend lectures by their peers? Read on to find out. 


  • Konstantin Fursov On Best Formats for Developing Science Communication

    For more than 15 years Konstantin Fursov has been engaged in research in the fields of science and technology. Some of his interests are the sociology and statistics of science, scientometrics, and public perception of science and innovations. Last year, Konstantin was invited to take the post of deputy head of research and education at the Polytechnic Museum and more recently he has joined ITMO’s Center for Science Communication through the ITMO Fellowship & Professorship program. In this interview, we asked Konstantin about his plans at ITMO, changes in Russian science, and tips for students learning statistics. 


  • ITMO University Expands Its Presence in THE University Impact Rankings

    The ranking agency Times Higher Education has published its annual Impact Rankings. This ranking launched in 2019 aims to measure the impact that universities all over the world have on the social and economical development of their home countries through the prism of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. ITMO University applied for 10 out of 17 goal-based categories and was included in the rankings for all of them. For example, it entered the top 100 in the Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure category by placing 76th.


  • This Weekend in St. Petersburg: April 30-May 3, 2022

    We have a long weekend ahead and two more days to fill with exciting plans and events, so here is our trusty guide to everything fun to do on these luxurious four days of rest.  


  • ITMO Launches 2022 Admission Campaign

    Prospective students can submit their applications for Master’s programs starting on March 1, Bachelor’s programs on April 1, and PhD programs on April 15, 2022. Choosing your program and applying for it has never been easier thanks to the newly updated admissions website. Read on to find out how to apply and which new features to expect in 2022.


  • ITMO’s Megabyte Media Announces New Data Journalism Hackathon

    The Federal Agency for Youth Affairs has announced the results of this year’s national contest for university-based youth projects. ITMO’s student media Megabyte won one of the 2 million ruble grants. Since 2015, Megabyte has been running ScienceMedia, a national student forum, and this year’s event will be supported by the grant. Here is what to expect at the forum. 


  • Best Practice-Oriented Projects by ITMO Students Announced

    ITMO University’s contest for best practice-oriented student R&D projects concluded in early April with a series of project defenses. Nine winners were selected from 30 presented projects; they will receive funding and support in bureaucratic, organizational, and team management matters. 


  • ITMO University Takes Silver at ICPC Northern Eurasia Finals

    During this week’s ICPC Northern Eurasia Finals, a team from ITMO University placed fifth overall and joined others who will represent the region during the global finals in Dhaka, Bangladesh.


  • ITMO Graduate Daria Yakovleva on Building a Career in IT, Working at VK, and Launching NFT Startup

    Daria Yakovleva got her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from ITMO and is now a PhD student at the Information Technologies and Programming Faculty. Her career in IT began during her Master's studies with an internship in Silicon Valley and becoming a team lead at VK. Recently, Daria launched her own NFT startup that has already won the international hackathon by Algorand and was named best in its cohort at ITMO Accelerator. In this interview, we asked Daria about finding her purpose and why she left a corporate job behind to focus on her startup. 


  • Student Spotlight: Wael Hazima, Syria

    After graduating with a degree in economic sciences, Wael spent five years working in the financial management sector. But then, he decided to study further and receive training in business informatics. He chose ITMO because of its reputation and proven excellence in IT. Read on to learn more about Wael’s experiences of becoming a student again and his post-graduation plans.
