Search by tag «Admissions» 88 results

  • “I am a Professional” Winners on Challenges and Benefits of the Contest

    This year, the competition was held for the second time in a row. ITMO organized one of the winter schools and a number of educational tracks. The winners got the opportunity to be enrolled in Master's and Bachelor's programs of leading Russian universities without any additional exams. Those who had ITMO as their university of choice told us about the reasons behind it as well as the benefits of such student contests.


  • Results of ITMO University’s Admissions Campaign 2019

    The 2019 admissions campaign at ITMO University has come to an end, and the lists of students admitted into Bachelor’s and Master’s programs have been published. The entrants of this year’s Bachelor’s programs have exhibited traditionally high Unified State Exam scores: according to the Admissions Office, the average score per subject is 92.7 points, which is 2.5 higher than it was last year. A large percentage of 2019’s Master’s entrants are graduates of other Russian universities.


  • Admission Campaign 2019 at ITMO University: Bachelor’s Programs

    The 2019 admissions campaign for Bachelor’s degree programs has come to an end at ITMO University, and the list of students admitted into tuition-free positions has been published. Entrants have demonstrated traditionally high exam scores in the fields related to information technologies and programming. This year, talented students from all over Russia also had the opportunity to enroll in one of the University’s programs regardless of low exam scores through the ITMO.STARS program.


  • ITMO University’s Master’s Degree Programs in 2019: Don’t Miss Your Opportunity

    The main goal of Master’s education today is to provide students with a variety of choices to create their own development path and apply their skills in different fields. As of today, ITMO University offers four types of Master’s degree programs: research, corporate, industrial, and entrepreneurial. Sergey Kolyubin, head of the University’s Master’s Degree Department, explains how to choose the right track, apply for research grants as an ITMO student, and which opportunities for enrollment are available to prospective students.


  • ITMO VK Competition for School Students

    This year marks the third time when ITMO University together with the Russian online social media service VK organizes the ITMO VK competition for school children. The main perk of the contest is that the victory will earn you ten extra points to your total Unified State Exam score. The registration is open until March 10. In this article, we’ll tell you everything about the rules, as well as share information about last year’s winners who became or want to become ITMO University students.


  • Results of the 2018 Admissions Campaign at ITMO University

    The 2018 admissions campaign at ITMO University has come to a close; the lists of students admitted to Bachelor’s and Master’s programs have been published (links are in Russian). This year’s Bachelor’s students have, as usual, demonstrated high Unified State Exam (USE) scores. A large share of the newly-admitted Master’s students are graduates of other universities.


  • Results of ITMO’s Bachelor Admissions Campaign 2018

    The admissions campaign for 2018’s Bachelor’s degree programs has come to a close, and the lists of students admitted into tuition-free positions have been published (link in Russian). As usual, entrants showed high Unified State Exam (USE) scores in subjects related to information technologies and programming. This year’s applicants also had a chance to enroll in a tuition-free position even with a USE score below the requirement thanks to the ITMO.STARS initiative.


  • Applying to ITMO as an International Student: Admissions Process Tips and Tricks

    While the admissions campaign at ITMO University is very much up and running, it could be a good idea for those who haven’t hit that graduation milestone quite yet to start getting ready for the admissions process by expanding their knowledge outside of the school curriculum. If you want to nail those programming academic competitions, gear up for the gruesome Physics Unified State Examinations (should you decide to take this application route) or start designing robots, ITMO University offers courses and summer schools that could be just the place for you. And for those of you who can’t come to St. Petersburg to attend just yet, this article presents you with a guide to ITMO admissions for international students, as well as featuring leading teachers and professionals’ top recommendations for the best online resources that will help enhance your knowledge of the subjects needed for admission so that you can get that coveted ITMO university spot. 
