Search by tag «Online schools» 8 results
Don’t Wait for Summer: Secure Your Place at ITMO Now With Winter Schools
This winter, several schools will be held at ITMO that will offer their participants a chance to enter the university’s Master’s programs without entrance exams. Below you will find options for engineers, roboticists, ecologists, and more – each school is available online.
International Winter Schools 2021-2022: Python, Hackathons, and More
Looking for some opportunities to train your professional skills, discover new fields, or present your project? Here are six winter schools, both on- and offline, that are a great chance to boost your knowledge and skills, as well as practice your English!
Productive Summer: Online Schools from ITMO University’s Partners and Not Only
Don’t miss your chance to get your summer off on the right foot with our ITMO.NEWS guide to international summer schools in 2021 for robotics specialists, data scientists, programmers, ecologists, biotechnologists, and many others.
ITMO Students Can Receive Funding to Participate in Online Educational Events
The pandemic is not the reason to cancel participation in international events. Check out the stories of our students who have received partial funding support from ITMO University and see the list of upcoming schools to apply for.
Best Projects by Participants of Online School by ITMO Avatar Developers
In late November, the development team of ITMO Avatar conducted the online school Digital Services for Personal Assistants: Finances, Education, Gaming Industry” and organized a project contest following its results. Read about the best projects in this article by ITMO.NEWS.
July and August Summer Schools by Leading International Universities
Courses on urban science, management, engineering, physics and data analytics – ITMO.NEWS has compiled a list of international online schools you still can register for.
World’s Leading Experts Discuss Latest Advances in Nanophotonics at SLALOM
On June 29-30, the third SchooL on Advanced Light-Emitting and Optical Materials (SLALOM) was held at ITMO University. The event is organized by the Laboratory of Hybrid Nanophotonics and Optoelectronics on the basis of ITMO’s Faculty of Physics and Engineering together with Lomonosov Moscow State University and with support from the Russian Science Foundation. For the first time in its history, this year the school took place online.
International Summer Schools You Can Apply for in June
Each year, leading universities from all over the world arrange various schools for those who would like to make good use of their summer. We have already published a list of activities with approaching deadlines here. If you missed your chance, don’t worry – here is a list of the best schools still available for applying.