Search by tag «Research of the Month» 8 results

  • Sunlight: Friend or Foe?

    Lately, we’ve been made very aware of the importance of sunscreen in preventing all kinds of harmful influence from solar rays. But today, in honor of the sun that’s been a rare guest in the St. Petersburg skies, we’ve decided to look at some of the benefits of sunlight and reasons why it shouldn’t be avoided altogether.


  • Brains in Sync: What’s New in Brain Research

    As a PhD student in neuroscience, my completely unbiased opinion is that the human brain is one of science’s greatest mysteries. Today, to mark World Brain Day – celebrated on July 22 and aimed at promoting brain health and research – we'll see if science is getting any closer to solving it. What can neuroscientists do with the newest tech advances? What do the classic experiments in the field look like? And what is hyperscanning? Find answers to these questions and more in today’s ITMO.NEWS article.


  • What Helps the Brain Keep Your Balance

    Do you ever find yourself struggling to keep your balance? Well, if it’s any comfort, your vestibular system was perhaps doing an even harder job making sure you stay upright and coordinating your limbs. In today’s feature, we will tell you about three more things that this system does to keep us alive, healthy, and happy! 


  • Mind-Blowing Research of the Month: Speaking Multiple Languages – Hot or Not?

    Have you ever considered speaking two or even more languages a superpower? Or maybe you would rather call it a burden? If you’ve ever wondered what science has to say on the effects of speaking multiple languages fluently, you are in luck – today we will look into the pros and cons of being multilingual.


  • Mind-Blowing Research of the Month: How and Why We Study Music’s Effects on the Brain

    People spend an average of 18 hours a week listening to music, according to a 2019 survey. It is undeniably a huge part of our lives and, naturally, inspires great curiosity in scientists. What makes you tap to the beat? Is it true that music can make you read faster? And what can possibly connect music and language? Today, we will attempt to answer these questions, dipping our toes into the ocean of research on music perception and cognition. 


  • Mind-Blowing Research of the Month: Exploring the Deep Sea

    Yesterday was all about space exploration as we celebrated Cosmonautics Day in Russia. It’s hard to imagine, but despite venturing far out into space, we still don’t know nearly enough about the inhabitants of the Earth’s oceans and especially at their deepest levels. There, in constantly reigning darkness an enigmatic world uncurls in slow motion. How can cutting-edge research in AI and robotics help explore this world? Read on to find out.


  • Mind-Blowing Research of the Month: Brain-Computer Interfaces

    At least once in our lives, we’ve all wished we could read minds or control the objects around us by merely thinking about them. So far, the technology that came closest to getting us there is BCI – brain-computer interfaces. Read on to learn what they are and how they work – and whether or not we are to expect mind-reading devices any time soon.


  • Mind-Blowing Research of the Month: Neuroarchaeology

    One of today's top science trends is interdisciplinarity – drawing from different research fields to find answers to age-old questions. Neuroarchaeology is one such new area of study, and it brings together, yes, you've guessed it – archaeology and neuroscience. How did our distant ancestors learn to speak? And how is tool-making related to playing the piano? Find out in our overview!
