Search by tag «Second World War» 8 results

  • Route to Sanahin: ITMO Students Create Virtual Tour of WWII-Themed Exhibition

    According to the St. Petersburg state archives, over 1.7 million people were evacuated from Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) between 1941 and 1943. Children, particularly those from Orphanage No. 51, were the first to leave the besieged city. The memories of those who were evacuated to Sanahin, Armenia, formed the centerpiece of the temporary display named Route to Sanahin. The Story of One Orphanage. The exhibition was organized by the State Memorial Museum of Leningrad Defense and Siege – and forever digitized by students of ITMO University.


  • Voices of Leningrad: ITMO Students’ New Project Offers New Look at Children’s Stories of WWII Siege

    Right now, the project Children’s Voices of Besieged Leningrad includes more than 30 entries. At its core are diaries written by children and teenagers during the Siege of Leningrad and collected by the European University at St. Petersburg. In a new app developed by students of ITMO University, users can read – or hear – about everyday life in 1940s Leningrad as described by the youngest eyewitnesses of the era. On the eve of Victory Day, the student developers spoke with ITMO.NEWS about the project and why it’s important to preserve such historical knowledge.


  • ITMO Students Create Interactive Map Featuring the Legendary Food Supply Route During the Siege of Leningrad

    Nazi forces encircled Leningrad in September 1941, cutting the city off from the outside world. Partisans and Soviet troops nonetheless managed to get some supplies into the besieged city; one such example being a convoy of food gathered by residents of Pskov Oblast. To preserve the memories of those events, ITMO students have built an interactive map of the legendary partisan convoy's route for the Museum of Partisan Glory in Dedovichi (Pskov Oblast).


  • ITMO University During World War II

    June 22 is the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow in Russia. On June 22, exactly 82 years ago, German troops invaded the Soviet Union, causing millions of people, including students and staff of LITMO (the Leningrad Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics, the former name of ITMO University) to go to the front. But even with the ongoing war, research activities were not put on stop. Scientists who remained in the city continued their studies despite the harsh realities of the war, designing and repairing optical devices, including those meant to protect Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Learn more about how the university lived and worked during the Second World War in the article.


  • Research Under Siege: How Leningrad Scientists Fought to Overcome Famine

    On May 9, Victory Day is celebrated in Russia to mark the end of World War II. In honor of the occasion, ITMO.NEWS and ITMO’s Historical Museum look back on the work of Leningrad scientists who developed new food products for the besieged city.


  • Top Three Classic Russian Films About World War II

    ​On May 9, we celebrate Victory Day. World War II and the Great Patriotic War in particular has had an enormous effect on Russian history that lasts to this day. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that it was represented in dozens of iconic Soviet films. Here is a brief list of our personal recommendations.


  • ITMO Historical Museum Releases Memories of Evacuation

    On January 27, St. Petersburg celebrated the 77th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad. During the Siege of Leningrad, LITMO (as ITMO was then known) experienced a relocation, shellings, repeated evacuations… Students and professors of those years shared their memories in a new book prepared by ITMO’s Historical Museum.


  • ITMO University During the Second World War

    On May 9, 2020 we celebrate victory in the most horrifying war in the history of humanity, the Second World War, for the 75th time. Its history is compiled out of millions of stories about people, cities, villages, institutes, theaters, and museums. Together with the Historical Museum of ITMO University, we would like to share stories about our heroes, as well as challenges and triumphs that our university went through during those four years.
