Search by tag «Social Projects» 10 results

  • Science Comics, Media About Oceans – And Other Projects From ITMO’s SciComm School

    Recently, students from all over Russia came together at ITMO to create all kinds of science communication projects: comics about scientists, topical festivals, new media, and more. All projects were curated by ITMO lecturers. Why is science communication an important skill for physicists and biotechnologists? Read on to find out.


  • ITMO Students Develop Multiplatform App for Social Project on Urban Orienteering

    In February 2019, ITMO University’s Faculty of Infocommunication Technologies hosted a career guidance hackathon. Among the winners were four students – Ilya Zakoulov, Maksim Pahmurin, Denis Arlakov, and Rostislav Nurdinov – who developed an app for a social project about urban orienteering. After the competition, the team decided to continue developing their app, now in collaboration with the team of that social project. Now, their multiplatform app has exited development and become a part of the project. More about the app, urban orienteering, and the boons of cooperation below.


  • Good Business: How Business Simulations Help Create Social Initiatives

    Graduates of the international Professional Fellows Program, together with ITMO University’s Entrepreneurship Center and the Leningrad Oblast Social Innovations Center, have conducted the Good Business simulation, aimed at developing sustainable models for socially-minded businesses. We spoke with the event’s creators and participants and learned how it works, why events of this kind are necessary, and which goals they accomplish.


  • How to Make Cities More Livable: Norwegian Expert Knows the Answer

    There are many industrial cities in Russia, such as Norilsk, Monchegorsk, Magnitogorsk, and so on. Nowadays, more and more people leave them for bigger cities with better life prospects. Some 20 years ago, Norway faced the same problem, but they managed to solve it by means of smart urban planning and innovations. Gunnar Olav Furu has been involved in city planning for more than 30 years and now works as a municipal advisor in his home city Sunndal. Last week, Mr. Furu met with ITMO University students to talk about innovations and discuss how to make St. Petersburg more comfortable to live in.


  • Indigenous Languages and Fun Science: ‘From Volunteering to Social Engineering’ Forum

    Organized by ITMO together with Rosmolodezh and the Presidential Grants Foundation as part of the social projects development program 'People Need You!', the National Forum ‘From Volunteering to Social Engineering’ was recently held at ITMO University. The event’s mission is to introduce young people to the opportunities that exist in the field of volunteering, as well as showcase the best charity projects of 2018. The forum’s activities include practical assignments, workshops, business games, etc.; the participants had a chance to talk to the authors of successful social projects and get some advice on how to launch such initiatives and overcome the challenges they may face. In this article, we summed up the best volunteering projects presented by the forum’s participants.


  • “People Need You!” Junior: Social IT Projects for Schoolchildren

    ITMO University has recently hosted the third schoolchildren’s contest of social projects “People Need You!”. During the contest students learned how to develop social projects and promote their ideas in social media. As a result, many projects were implemented, some of them in the field of IT. The winners told ITMO.NEWS about their ideas.


  • Russian and Swiss Students Collaborate on Social Issue Initiatives

    Last week ITMO University and the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland conducted a short-term exchange involving 30 students from Switzerland and Russia. The students discussed and collaborated on various practices related to social entrepreneurship. ITMO’s Social Design and Entrepreneurship Center organized the exchange as part of a program for international youth exchange in social services. ITMO.NEWS describes the projects developed by the teams over four days of working together.


  • Doing Sports Can Make One a Winner in Everyday Life: KronBars Meet Honored Guests

    Past Thursday, November 30, ITMO’s sports club KronBars met with Sergei Boyarsky, deputy of State Duma and coordinator of the "Youth Group” at All-Russia People’s Front. Denis Goltsov, sambo athlete, World and European champion, native of St. Petersburg, also attended this meeting. He presented his project "Sambo to universities". Guests of "snow leopards" told students why sports can help young people set better goals and achieve success in everyday life. Denis Goltsov also conducted a masterclass on self-defense for all students.


  • ITMO Student Wins Phil.Tech Accelerator’s Marathon of Ideas

    ITMO University’s Master’s program student Roman Malyushkin is the winner of the Marathon of Ideas that was held on July 8 in St. Petersburg as part of the Phil.Tech accelerator organized by Rybakov Foundation in collaboration with ITMO University. The student developed the concept of a service that would make work easier for medical centers, blood banks and volunteers and would help donors avoid lines and stay up-to-date on the upcoming blood drive events.


  • “People Need You!” Contest: Social Entrepreneurship for Children

    Schoolchildren’s contest of social projects “People Need You!” was held for the second time in St. Petersburg, organized by ITMO University. For three months the children acquired skills in management, PR-communication, networking and partner scouting and other abilities that are necessary to successfully complete a project. This year the students turned their attention to the issues of ecology, information security, children’s street safety and addressed the issue of cultural and historical education of youth.
