Search by tag «Unexplored St. Petersburg» 41 results

  • The City of Superlatives: Oldest Sights in St. Petersburg

    We love to explore our city from the most unusual angles: earlier, we told you about St. Pete’s smallest sites, as well as the city’s firsts. Today, we are putting our historian hats on and turning our attention to the city’s oldest sites: from bookshops to trees and even a pyshki place, you are in for a fun time-travel roller-coaster. Hop on!


  • St. Petersburg’s New Water Taxi: Should You Try It?

    If you know us, you know that whenever there’s something new in the city, we’re there to try it. That’s why it should come as no surprise that the moment we heard there’s a water taxi in the city, we had to hop on. Here’s your first-hand account of the experience.


  • The City of Superlatives: Smallest Landmarks in St. Petersburg

    Welcome to the first installment of our new series, in which we look at St. Petersburg through the lens of its “record-breaking” landmarks. Today, it’s all about the smallest, narrowest, and shortest – the devil is in the details and a city’s charm is often in its tiniest attractions. Let’s explore them today!


  • Unexplored St. Petersburg: Narvskaya Zastava

    As spring melts the snow underfoot and brightens the sky above, staying at home almost feels like a crime. Let’s go for a walk and explore the area around the Narvskaya metro station, known for its garden-city charm and Soviet architectural layers.


  • Unexplored St. Petersburg: Peski

    Sometimes, one step off Nevsky Prospect is all it takes to escape from the city's bustle. Let's treat ourselves to coffee and cheesecake and unwind among the architectural variety of one of the most serene areas of central St. Pete. 


  • 5 Moscow Spots in St. Petersburg

    Have you been to the Russian capital? What if we say that you need neither a train nor a plane to take a demo trip there – in fact, you can get a taste while staying right here in St. Petersburg! With this article, we’ll guide you through some iconic and hidden locations where you can feel Moscovite.  


  • A Tram, a Garage, a Monastery: Unexpected Food Locations in St. Petersburg

    If you’re no longer impressed with the neatly designed interiors of local cafes, why not satisfy your hunger with new experiences? To spice things up, we present to you four eateries where both the menu and the venue make it worth a visit.


  • The National Library of Russia: The Hogwarts of St. Petersburg

    While we do love our fancy, modern, well-equipped coworking spaces, sometimes your homework requires a little something extra. Imagine grand, impressive-looking buildings filled with books, spacious reading halls, wooden chairs and cozy lamps for serene study sessions. Sounds appealing? Read on to find out just where in St. Petersburg you can find study spots that have it all!


  • Exploring St. Petersburg: Yandex Museum of Vintage Computers

    What I really love about St. Petersburg is that it truly stands up to its “cultural capital” title – and not just because of old renowned museums like the Hermitage. New places dedicated to things other than Russian history and fine arts keep appearing in the city, and Yandex Museum is one such place.  


  • Explore St. Petersburg Through Details

    From my experience, curiosity and a bit of luck can help you learn more about St. Petersburg than dozens of guided tours. Look up or turn a corner at the right time, and the city will reveal gems hidden from prying eyes. If you, too, want to learn to spot beauty in the details, this article will be a helping hand.
