Search by tag «Yagodnoe» 15 results

  • ITMO’s Yagodnoe Outdoor Camp Turns 65!

    For every member of ITMO.Family, Yagodnoe is more than just a place for sports and leisure. Today, it hosts educational camps, schools, and strategy sessions, as well as city-wide and international environmental projects. Meanwhile, ITMO alumni from all over the world return for a visit even years after graduation. This year, Yagodnoe turned 65, and to honor this date we prepared a little retrospective of the camp’s history, with a view on its future.


  • Student Spotlight: Istahad Chowdhury, Bangladesh

    For many of our international students, coming to ITMO is their first-ever international trip. Such is the case for Istahad, who came here from Bangladesh. In this interview, we take a deep dive into his new life in St. Petersburg and learn about his many experiences: from dealing with Russian customs control to visiting the outdoor camp at Yagodnoe. 


  • Yagodnoe: More Than a Summer Camp

    In case you didn’t know, ITMO University has its own outdoor sports and leisure camp – Yagodnoe. Situated by the beautiful Lake Berestovoye and just an hour’s ride from St. Petersburg, it allows students, staff and alumni to relax, play sports, and enjoy the region’s beautiful nature while building shared experiences.


  • ITMO's KronBars Sports Club: Benefits and How to Join

    In less than 7 years since it was founded, ITMO University’s KronBars club has already been named Russia’s top student sports club three times in a row! Both students and staff members of the University can join the club and make use of its facilities, as well as partake in over 50 different types of sports. Let’s go ahead and find out how you can get in on the fun.


  • Yagodnoe in Miniature: About the Six-Meter Layout of ITMO’s Sports and Recreation Center

    This year, the Yagodnoe sports and recreation center celebrates its 60th anniversary. Over the years, the camp has brought together thousands of students and graduates and is now a platform for various international and city projects. Visit the Yagodnoe museum to see how the center has developed over time, as well as learn about the most significant events in its history. The museum has recently been replenished with a large exhibit, a six-square-meter interactive layout of the camp. Lake Berestovoye, the pier, pine forests, wooden houses, and sports infrastructure – the authors of the project managed to reconstruct the camp in great detail. Read on to learn more about the project and its prospects for the future.


  • Yagodnoe Revamp: New Concept by ITMO and SPSUACE Students

    In the spring of 2019, Ekaterina Kuznechikova from St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPSUACE) collaborated with the ITMO.Green club. In the process of this collaboration, she learned that ITMO University has its own sports and recreation center near St. Petersburg. The complex is called Yagodnoe and it now needs a beautification project. Ekaterina took this issue seriously and gathered an interdisciplinary group made of ITMO and SPSUACE students who conducted research in the recreation center, found weak spots and figured out how these can be fixed. Read on to learn about the implementation of the project and its results.


  • Your Guide to Events at ITMO University in 2019-2020

    The 2019/20 academic year marks a landmark point in our University’s history as we celebrate ITMO’s 120th anniversary of founding. Students, staff, and friends of the University can expect a variety of exciting events – competitions, workshops, meetups, and more – throughout the year. In this article, we take a look at everything to look forward to in the 2019/20 academic year.


  • International Volunteers at Yagodnoe: Results of the Ecological Raids Camp

    On August 3-17, the Yagodnoe sports and recreation center hosted the annual camp Ecological Raids, which attracted volunteers from Germany, Italy, Spain, Palestine and other countries. Together, they cleaned rubbish off the center’s territory, beautified the space and learned more about each other’s homelands. This has been the fifth time that Ecological Raids is organized, by efforts of ITMO University’s students. Here is more on the international volunteers’ expressions and this year’s camp.


  • Participants and Organizers on New Russian-German Exchange Program

    In April, a group of ITMO students went to Germany for an exchange. Accompanied by their German peers, they went to several cities in Bavaria, explored the local universities, and visited modern laboratories that work in close collaboration with BMW and other major companies. Yulia Usikova, vice director of ITMO’s sports and recreation center Yagodnoye, and student Ekaterina Tkacheva expanded on their experience.


  • Different Volunteering, Eco Camps and Fresh Perspective on Things: Belgian Gloria Sagaradze on Interning at ITMO

    Belgian Gloria Sagaradze came to Russia to do a three-month internship at ITMO University’s Student Initiatives Development Office. Among the projects she worked on were collaborating with the organizers of the international ecological camp Ecological Raids held at ITMO’s sports and recreation center Yagodnoye, helping Nigerian students develop an events plan for their student club, and mastering student project management. ITMO.NEWS met Gloria to talk about the difference between volunteering in Russia and Belgium and the valuable lessons she learnt from traveling.
