Key numbers

One of the crucial admissions characteristics, the number of admitted contest winners, became the highest in the university’s history. In 2024, ITMO welcomed 681 winners and runners-up of student competitions, two thirds of whom demonstrated their skills in math and computer science. Others came out on top in physics, chemistry, and information security. The majority of applicants were admitted to the university thanks to victories in the Open Competition (93) and various subject fields of the National Technological Contest (57). 

“This year, applications to positions sponsored by companies were conducted via the portal Work in Russia, which made this process more transparent and helped talented students find their future employers. Thanks to the great number and variety of student contests, ITMO was able to reach out to even more applicants. With this systematic approach to identifying talents, we were able to attract the highest number of contest winners in ITMO’s history. We can confidently say that these students take a measured approach to choosing their educational programs and trajectories,” shares Alexey Itin, the head of the Admission Office at ITMO University. 

ITMO's Admission's Office 2024. Photo by Dmitry Grigoryev / ITMO.NEWS 

ITMO's Admission's Office 2024. Photo by Dmitry Grigoryev / ITMO.NEWS 

In 2024, ITMO received over 17,900 applications to tuition-free positions, which is 1,000 more than last year. In 2023, ITMO’s Admissions Committee received 17,000 applications to Bachelor’s and Specialist’s programs; in 2022 it was 13,000, and in 2021 – 12,000. All in all, 1,452 applicants secured their tuition-free positions in Bachelor’s and Specialist’s programs, with the average Unified State Exam score being 94.15 (92.6 in 2023). 

Another 194 applicants enrolled at the university thanks to various quotas: 49 applicants entered positions sponsored by high-tech companies, while 61 and 84 respectively enrolled via two specialized quotas. 

Popular subject fields

Traditionally, the applicants favor IT subfields: Software Engineering (1,601 applications), Information Systems and Technologies (1,535 applications), Information Security (1,447 applications), Infocommunication Networks and Communication Systems (1,365 applications), Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (1,296 applications), and Computer Science and Engineering (1,235 applications).

These IT subject fields also have the highest threshold for Unified State Exam scores: Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (310 points); Software and Administration of Information Systems (310 points); Information Systems and Technologies (310 points); Software Engineering (310 points); Chemistry (299 points); and Computer Science and Engineering (295 points).

ITMO's Admission's Office 2024. Photo by Dmitry Grigoryev / ITMO.NEWS 

ITMO's Admission's Office 2024. Photo by Dmitry Grigoryev / ITMO.NEWS 

Results of ITMO.STARS

16 young talents enrolled at ITMO via the ITMO.STARS contest – an initiative that offers applicants a chance to get into the university without reaching the threshold Unified State Exam scores. Every year, talented students taking part in the contest present their solutions: research or social projects, tech startups, or engineering inventions. This year, among the submitted projects were an orientation node for solar cells, VOXY the human-like voice assistant, a prototype mobile robotic platform, and others. 

Applications to fee-based positions are open until late August (August 20 for Bachelor’s students and August 25 – for Master’s students). At the end of the month, the university will announce the full results of the admissions campaign, including its Master’s and PhD programs.