Study Tips for University Students

As a university student here at ITMO, you are likely facing a unique set of challenges when it comes to studying and academic success. With so many distractions and competing priorities, it can be difficult to stay focused and motivated. But with the right approach and tools, you can make the most of your time and achieve all your goals. Here are some tips to help you study more effectively.

Credit: Kyle Gregory Devaras (@kyledevaras) on Unsplah (

  1. Create a schedule: One of the most important things you can do to stay on top of your studies is to create a schedule. This can include a daily schedule of when you will study, as well as a weekly or monthly schedule of when you have to complete assignments and projects. By creating a schedule, you can ensure that you are dedicating enough time to your studies and avoiding procrastination.
  2. Find a study space: Having a dedicated study space can help you stay focused and motivated. This can be a quiet room in your dormitory or home, a library or coworking space, or even a coffee shop. If you have a go-to study space, eventually you’ll start to associate it with being productive, and whenever you get there, it will be easier for you to start working. Whatever your preferred study space is, make sure that it is free from distractions, allowing you to fully concentrate. This can be achieved by turning off your phone, closing unnecessary tabs on your computer, and finding a quiet place to work at.
  3. Take breaks: While it is important to be consistent with your study time, it is also important to take breaks. Sitting and studying for long periods of time can lead to burnout and mental fatigue. So take regular breaks, whether it’s a short walk or a quick snack, to refresh your mind and body.
  4. Take notes: Taking notes is an essential part of the learning process. It helps you remember key information, and organize and structure your thoughts. Whether you prefer to take notes by hand or digitally, make sure that you are keeping them in a format that makes them easy to review and study.
  5. Practice active listening: When you are in class, practice active listening. This means paying attention, asking questions, and participating in class discussions. This will increase the likelihood of you remembering the material.
  6. Get organized: Keep all of your notes, assignments, and study materials organized, it will be much easier to find what you need when you need it. You can use a binder, a notebook, or even a digital system to keep everything in order.
  7. Learn study techniques: There are many different study techniques that can be useful for different purposes and different types of learning. Of course, not every study technique works for every person, so it is best to try out several and see what you prefer.

One example is using flashcards. Flashcards are a great way to memorize information quickly. They are simple to make, easy to use, and can come in handy for a variety of subjects. Simply write a question or term on one side of a card, and the answer or definition on the other.

Another effective study technique to consider is the Pomodoro Technique. This method is based on the idea that breaking up your study time into shorter, focused intervals can increase productivity and reduce burnout. The basic structure of the Pomodoro Technique is as follows:

Set a timer for 25 minutes and work on a specific task during this time. Once the timer goes off, take a short (5−10 minutes) break to rest and refresh your mind. Repeat this process (25 minutes of work, followed by a short break) for four cycles, then take a longer (15−30 minutes) break before starting the cycle again.

The key to the Pomodoro Technique is to focus on one task at a time during the 25-minute work intervals.

Credit: Sincerely Media (@sincerelymedia) on Unsplash (
Credit: Sincerely Media (@sincerelymedia) on Unsplash (

By following these tips and finding a study style that works best for you, you can ensure that you are getting the most out of your time at university and achieving your academic goals. Remember, it can take a while to find a study routine that works best for you. Don't hesitate to try different techniques and methods and always be open to making adjustments. Studying is a process and it takes time, be patient with yourself and keep on track. Good luck with your studies!

Bachelor's student