- For educators
- For IT practitioners
- For clinicians and biotechnologists
- For artists and designers
- For life
For educators
Since its launch, ITMO/Online has offered two intensive courses in edtech: one on data-based educational design and another – on game techniques in education. According to the platform’s curators, these attracted not only educators, but also representatives of specialized companies (Netology, Teachbase, SberUniversity, Skillbox, and Rostelecom).
In September, a new eight-module program will launch on the platform. The first three courses (focusing on educational design, evaluation methods, and learning analytics) will run from October to December 2023. Applications to the other five courses (on motivational design, gamification, educational product management, etc.) will open in 2024.
Recordings of selected intensive courses and workshops are available for free (in Russian; on education through games & evaluation of educational programs).
Full list of courses:
When: starts on October 4
Contents: this is a practical course on developing and packaging educational products: from initial marketing research to product launch. Lecturers: Ekaterina Bezyzvestnykh, a methodology specialist and head of ITMO’s professional development courses; Maksim Skryabin, head of the Laboratory for Evidence-Based Education and Learning Analytics at Southern Federal University.
When: starts on October 31
Contents: participants of this practical course will create their own games that can be implemented into university-level educational programs or corporate and business training sessions.
When: any time
Contents: in this course, participants will be introduced to the educational approaches developed at ITMO: online learning, digital communication tools, and the System 360 educational quality evaluation method. The course is delivered by specialists from ITMO’s Center for Educational Management and Quality Assurance, Students Services Office, and Staff Support Office.
When: any time
Contents: this course about assisting students with their startups was developed based on ITMO’s experience of implementing the Startup as Thesis program. Guided by the lecturers, participants of the course will analyze each step in the path of a startup. Lecturers: experts from ITMO’s Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations; Evgeny Smirnov, a lecturer from Baltic State Technical University, a mentor at Ingria business incubator, and CEO of Analytic; Lev Mareev, a manager of educational projects at Yandex Practicum and a coach at the Coach Association of the Russian Union of Youth.
When: TBD
Contents: students will learn the algorithm for designing an evaluation system and use it to prepare a basis for high-quality education. The course is delivered by lecturers from ITMO’s Office of Educational Technologies, Office for Automation of Academic Activity, and Office of Monitoring and Statistics.
When: starts in 2024
Contents: in this course, students will learn how to promote their product or brand with marketing tools, identify their target audience, and set up an advertising campaign for an educational product. The course is delivered by experts from ITMO’s Office for Educational Marketing.
For IT practitioners and more

A number of courses in this field were developed in collaboration with industry experts from Sberbank, Tinkoff, Gazpromneft, and (a major Russian job-search platform – Ed.).
Full list of courses:
When: starts on September 21
Contents: in this six-week course, students will learn to use SQL for data analysis and reports in marketing, product analytics, finance, and sales. Lecturer: Alexander Nemaltsev, the lead data scientist at Sberbank.
When: starts on September 28
Contents: through webinars and practical classes, students will learn to respond to aggressive and manipulative behavior. In class, the lecturers will walk students through methods of effective communication and conflict management. The course will be delivered by Yulia Romanenko, a lecturer in emotional intelligence, business communications, and learning skills at ITMO, and Maria Stepanova, the head of development at Capital Group.
When: starts on October 10
Contents: in the course, participants will discover the most relevant tools for product and project management, growth marketing, business analysis, and financial planning. The course also features practical classes, where students will try their hand at tasks related to launch and development of digital products. Lecturers: Denis Shchigelsky, the head of monetization at, and Anton Yukhnevich, the head of products for dealers at (a branch of Yandex).
When: starts on October 11
Contents: here, students will learn to use the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK) techniques and process modeling to design and analyze business processes. Lecturer: Diana Syunyaeva, head of strategy, IT development, and new products at Gazpromneft and head of ITMO’s educational program Digital Transformation Strategies and Technologies.
When: starts on October 28
Contents: this course is for those who have never programmed before. Students will learn the basic functions of Python and their applications in big data processing, visualization, and analysis. Practical classes will be delivered by Kristina Zheltova, the head analyst at the Department of Data Analysis and Modeling of Gazprombank.
When: starts in October
Contents: this course will walk students through basic-to-advanced data processing functions of Excel (PowerQuery and VBA). Lecturer: Vladislav Roy, a lead manager at ITMO’s Staff Support Office.
When: TBD (applications are open)
Contents: in this course developed by Anna Kalugina, the head of HR at CloudPayments (Tinkoff Group), real-life examples are used to familiarize students with a strategy used to discover candidates and present them to recruiting managers at IT companies.
When: any time
Contents: everything you need to know about cryptocurrency, its markets, and secure use. Lecturer: Aleksandr Kapitonov, the head of ITMO’s educational program Programming and Infocommunications.
For clinicians and biotechnologists

Courses in medicine and biotechnologies are new arrivals at ITMO/Online. They will launch in September.
In this digital literacy course for clinicians, students will discover the fundamentals of digital health and telemedicine, as well as learn to use medical digital tools, databases, and statistics, including with the help of the SQL programming language. The course was developed in collaboration with ITMO’s Center for Science Communication.
This program, developed by a team of biologists, chemists, bioinformaticians, and clinicians, consists of six independent courses and workshops (the first one will start on September 29).
For artists and designers
When: starts on September 28
Contents: the course covers the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for media projects, as well as the use of the p5.js library to create interactive effects. At the end of the course, students will receive a list of free digital tools they can use in design and artistic practice. The course is delivered by Alina Chereyskaya, an architect and partner at the architectural company SA lab, laureate of the Europe 40 Under 40 award, and scientific advisor on thesis projects at ITMO’s Art & Science Center, and Stepan Kukharsky, an architect and partner at SA lab, computational designer, and lecturer of international educational programs in the field of algorithmic design.
When: any time
Contents: the course covers various branches of science art (such as robotic and algorithmic art, bioart, and VR/AR) and includes a list of useful sources on the subject for artists and researchers. The course is delivered by the teaching staff of ITMO’s Master’s program Art & Science.

For life
The courses included in the Quality of Life block were originally a part of a mandatory discipline for all ITMO students that would educate them on proper management of health, nutrition, consumption, and finances. Later, these courses were re-packaged into miniature programs and grew popular among external audiences, too. All the courses are pre-recorded and can be accessed at any time.
Full list of courses:
When: any time
Contents: the course covers the science of sleep and includes practical recommendations on improving one’s regimen. Students are shown how to keep a sleep journal, tick off checklists, and pay attention to factors that have a positive or negative effect on sleep quality. The course is taught by Olga Gofman, a soft skills lecturer and senior researcher at the Research Center “Strong AI in Industry.”
When: any time
Contents: another course by Olga Gofman, this time in the capacity of an expert on self-care techniques and healthy workplace practices. The course examines three aspects of health – physical, social, and mental – and their interrelations. By the end of the course, students can choose one of two tasks: assemble a list of causes of unhealthy behavior and obstacles that prevent them from changing it – or master a self-regulation technique based on guides and checklists.
When: any time
Contents: in this course, lecturers of the Faculty of Ecotechnologies Elena Bykovskaya and Irina Timofeeva provide a comprehensive overview of conscious consumption, eco-minded thinking, the zero waste concept, and “fast” and “slow” fashion.
When: any time
Contents: in the course authored by Irina Shashina, an associate professor at the Anatoly Sobchak International Banking Institute, students learn about planning and optimizing expenses, saving money, managing their finances, and using the most commonplace financial tools.