Search by tag «International competitions» 19 results

  • ITMO Wins Gold at ICPC Finals

    The final results of the International Collegiate Programming Contest – ICPC World Finals Moscow have been announced. ITMO University was represented by the Standard Deviation team – this time, Gennady Korotkevich, a PhD student of ITMO University and one of the most prominent programmers in the world, took part in the contest as a coach, not a team member.


  • Inside ICPC: Guide to the Largest and Most Prestigious Programming Contest

    The ICPC World Finals starts today in Moscow. The world’s oldest, largest, and most prestigious programming contest will bring together students from over 42 countries. Russia will be represented by fifteen teams, including ITMO students. All contestants will meet in Moscow to compete for the title of the best programmers in the world.


  • Hult Prize On Campus 2020: Results, Participants, and Projects

    On December 6, ITMO Technopark hosted the final stage of the Hult Prize On Campus competition. The jury announced the winning team that will present its project in one of the European capitals.


  • Gennady Korotkevich Wins Topcoder Open's Algorithm Track for Second Year in Row

    The results of this year’s Topcoder Open were announced on November 22. Gennady Korotkevich, a PhD student at ITMO University and an award-winning programmer, won the Algorithm competition for the second year in a row.


  • ITMO Team Takes 4th Place at World Robot Olympiad 2020

    Eighteen teams participating in this year’s World Robot Olympiad (WRO) had to compete for five main prizes. The team from ITMO University represented Russia at the competition and finished fourth in the Open Category.


  • How to Enter Russian Universities Through ITMO University’s International Competitions

    International competitions, such as Open Doors and Open Competitions in Mathematics and Computer Science for school students, allow school and university students from all over the world to continue their studies at ITMO University or other Russian institutions. We compiled a guide to this year’s competitions


  • ITMO Bioinformatics Team Wins MEDIC International Competition

    The tournament’s participants had to create an algorithm that would use data on microbiota to identify whether a patient has inflammatory bowel disorders. The team from St. Petersburg became the only ones to win two of the competition’s categories.


  • ITMO Joins Hult Prize Hosts List Alongside Oxford, Harvard, Others

    A group of ITMO students has won a grant from the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) to conduct an event under the aegis of the Hult Prize. The team successfully defended a project at the Territory of Senses youth forum; their project received high praise from the expert committee.


  • Hult Prize On Campus 2020: Results, Participants, and Projects

    On December 6, ITMO Technopark hosted the final stage of the Hult Prize On Campus competition. The jury announced the winning team that will present its project in one of the European capitals.
