Search by tag «Psychology» 35 results
How to Stop Reading Bad News and Calm Down
If you are, too, constantly on your phone reading news, read this article instead to learn from Evgeniya Ostasheva, a psychologist at ITMO’s Medical, Psychological and Social Assistance Center, why we fall victim to doomscrolling, what lies behind this obsession, and how we can stay in the loop without allowing bad news to overwhelm us.
Inclusive UX/UI Design: Projects by ITMO Students
One of the key tasks of web designers is to come up with accessible apps and websites. That’s what second-year Master’s students at the Faculty of Software Engineering and Computer Systems are engaged in. ITMO.NEWS asked them to discuss their projects and ideas.
FAQ: Dealing With Anxiety
There are many reasons why we might feel anxiety – from global events and crises to exams or our everyday chores. But what are the mechanisms behind it? And are there any experimentally proven ways to overcome anxiety? With these questions, we turned to researchers from ITMO’s Center for Neuroscience in Education, headed by Maxim Likhanov, a participant of ITMO’s Fellowship & Professorship program. The center has recently launched a project aiming to develop and implement techniques that will improve the mental well-being of ITMO students.
Getting Through Winter: Seasonal Affective Disorder
On average, there are about 75 sunny days per year in St. Petersburg, so a little winter blues is quite normal, but sometimes the bad mood during the cold season is more than just a temporary melancholy. For such cases, there is a special term – seasonal affective disorder.
It’s Okay to Worry: Experts on How the Pandemic Changed Psychology and Brought Back Old-Time Problems
The pandemic has become a major test for people’s mental health. To describe the phenomenon, Australian psychologist Steven Taylor introduced the term “COVID stress syndrome”. People’s fear is triggered not only by the infection alone but also by the possible social and economic consequences of the pandemic. On top of that, the constant bombardment of news heightens global anxiety. Only during the second wave, the demand for psychology services doubled: more and more people started to take advantage of online counseling. But what bothers most people today? Are online consultations just as efficient as meeting face-to-face? And how did the pandemic affect psychology? Read on to learn what Elena Sharapanovskaya, head of ITMO’s Medical, Psychological and Social Assistance Center, and Alia Grekova, the center’s leading psychologist, think about the situation happening in the world.
Kotlin Creator Andrey Breslav on His Psychotherapy Finder Service
Andrey Breslav, an ITMO graduate, the creator of the Kotlin programming language, and co-founder of the Alter service that helps find a mental health professional that suits you, gave an open lecture as part of the Mental Health Month. He spoke of his personal path to psychotherapy, his work on Alter, the promotion of psychology, and struggling against social stigmas.
Mind-Blowing Research of the Month: How and Why We Study Music’s Effects on the Brain
People spend an average of 18 hours a week listening to music, according to a 2019 survey. It is undeniably a huge part of our lives and, naturally, inspires great curiosity in scientists. What makes you tap to the beat? Is it true that music can make you read faster? And what can possibly connect music and language? Today, we will attempt to answer these questions, dipping our toes into the ocean of research on music perception and cognition.
Interview With Dr. Alfried Laengle: Doing Something That Makes You Happy Is Enough
Dr. Alfried Längle is a well-known Austrian psychologist and psychotherapist, who founded a new approach in psychotherapy called Existential Analysis, grounded in the existential philosophy and phenomenology as well as in the ideas of Viktor Frankl with whom Dr. Längle was collaborating many years. Existential Analysis looks for a deeper meaning in life that can provide inner fulfillment, a serious feeling of happiness, because our inner commitment to what we do is what makes our lives happy and fulfilled. But how do you find this deeper meaning in the multitude of possibilities open to us nowadays? How do you avoid the temptation to choose what seems to be an easier way to happiness? How do you stop regretting your choices and worrying about missed opportunities?
What to Do If You’re Not Happy With Your Choice of Career or Education
“I’m not very happy with my choice of career,” is a sentiment all too familiar to many. What do you do when it feels like the path you picked no longer feels like the correct one? Where do you find support? And what’s so dangerous about guilt? Find answers to these questions in this article we wrote with Ekaterina Bilenko, a psychologist at ITMO University’s Career Development Office.
ITMO Researchers Create Algorithm for Predicting Vocational Interests
The program analyzes numerous socio-demographic features such as gender, location, religious beliefs, and parents’ education, thus determining the vocational interests of a person. The research was presented at the 2020 International Conference on Control, Robotics and Intelligent System (CCRIS 2020).