Search by tag «Movies» 88 results

  • Our Favorite Movie Soundtracks

    Sometimes, just one song is enough to take you back to that beloved scene in a movie that you know by heart. Today’s songs article is all about just that – our true jams from the world of cinema.


  • This Week in St. Petersburg: February 15-21, 2024

    It's This Week in St. P. day! And we are back here again with our carefully crafted selection of the week’s activities – plus, a handful of Valentine’s Day ideas for punks, lovers, and punk lovers.


  • Russian Hollywood: Mosfilm Behind the Scenes

    The Mosfilm logo, with its striking image of Worker and Kolkhoz Woman, is a familiar sight in every Russian home. Over the past 100 years, the studio has released a superb collection of movies that are integral to Russian culture: they are regularly watched, rewatched, and even quoted by heart. Which iconic films did the studio produce and what does it do now? Here’s a glimpse inside the major Russian film studio that also happens to be one of the largest in Europe.


  • Foreign Movies Filmed in St. Petersburg

    It's no secret that St. Petersburg is a beloved location among Russian filmmakers. But did you know that the city has also welcomed numerous popular foreign film productions? In this article, we'll delve into movies that have taken advantage of the city's stunning backdrop.


  • This Week in St. Petersburg: January 18-24, 2024

    It may be freezing outdoors and hectic indoors, but we know a tried-and-true way to warm things up and calm your nerves – let’s take a look at what’s in play for the next seven days in the city.


  • 5 Russian Streaming Services to Try in 2024

    If you're looking to indulge in your favorite shows or discover new genres, take a look at these top Russian streaming services and explore what they have to offer.


  • This Week in St. Petersburg: January 11-17, 2024

    Though this work week is short, it definitely offers no shortage of events to visit in the city. Movie screenings, exhibitions, and even a newly-opened ice rink – we have everything you need to make the end of the holidays joyful! See for yourself:


  • This Week in St. Petersburg: November 9-15, 2023

    The coming week has in itself a bit of something mysterious, futuristic, and even rebellious. Read on to find out what you are about to experience.


  • This Week in St. Petersburg: October 26 - November 1, 2023

    Thursdays are for time travel, Fridays are immersive, and weekends are all about slowing down – the weather might be weathering, but we know our ways to keep the mood up as the temp drops.


  • This Week in St. Petersburg: October 12-18, 2023

    A slew of arts, a splash of outdoor adventures, and a touch of spooky vibes – the perfect week is all ready and waiting.
