Search by tag «Well-Being» 19 results

  • What Helps the Brain Keep Your Balance

    Do you ever find yourself struggling to keep your balance? Well, if it’s any comfort, your vestibular system was perhaps doing an even harder job making sure you stay upright and coordinating your limbs. In today’s feature, we will tell you about three more things that this system does to keep us alive, healthy, and happy! 


  • ITMO's 2030 Development Strategy: Open Call for Projects

    ITMO University’s Development Strategy for 2030 heralds a transition to a whole new qualitative level: from a top-100 university to an open-source university. That means our top priority is to create new products, technologies, and inventions that aim to improve human life. ITMO University invites its staff and students to take part in an open call for projects. Submit your idea, make it a reality with ITMO, and contribute to the development of our society, city, and the whole country!


  • ITMO University in Top Group for Priority 2030

    ITMO University excelled in the Priority 2030 National Program and will be awarded 994 million rubles within the research leadership track as decided by the program board. With this funding, the university can continue to conduct breakthrough research, strengthen human capital, produce high-tech products, and introduce cutting-edge technologies.


  • Priority 2030 National Program: ITMO Team Presents its 2030 Development Strategy Within Research Leadership Track

    Starting on October 1, Russian universities started to defend their development strategies within the research leadership track of the Priority 2030 National Program. The authors of the most innovative ideas will receive a special grant of up to 1 billion rubles, which can be used to facilitate the implementation of advanced research and the creation of high-tech products and technologies, as well as strengthen the university’s human capacity in research and development.


  • ITMO University Wins Grant From Priority 2030 National Program

    The selection process for the Priority 2030 national program came to end on September 26. Based on the results of the selection, ITMO University was named among the top Russian universities that will receive a grant of 100 million rubles. The full list of winners for the Priority 2030 National Program is published on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education.


  • Tips For Dealing with Digital Burnout

    New era brings new challenges. Biologically, we’re the same beings like we used to be a hundred years ago but the amount of information consumed and the velocity of life has increased by a large margin. How do we adapt and stay sane?


  • ITMO Excels in First Stage of Priority 2030 National Program

    Last week, the university’s team presented its new development strategy titled Open-Source University. The program includes several strategic projects that aim to boost scientific and technological progress, ensure a high technology readiness level (TRL 7-8) of ITMO’s products, facilitate customization of the educational process, and promote the synergy of business, science, and education.


  • ITMO University Presents Its New 2030 Development Strategy

    What will ITMO University be like in ten years? And what about the whole world – education and science in particular? What kind of breakthroughs are we to expect? The university's experts presented its new 2030 Development Strategy during a session of ITMO's Academic Council at Sevkabel Port.


  • Mental Health Month: How to Receive Psychological Support at ITMO

    As part of the mental health month, ITMO.NEWS asked Evgenii Raskin, head of the Department of Youth Policy, and Elena Sharapanovskaya, head of the Medical, Psychological and Social Assistance Center, to explain how students and employees of ITMO University can receive psychological support.
