Search by tag «Photonics» 87 results

  • Alena Shchelokova, Presidential Scholarship Recipient: To Achieve Something, You Have to Get Over Yourself

    Over the course of one’s life, everyone has to make decisions that can change its course and open new opportunities. Alena Shchelokova,  PhD student at ITMO’s Department of Nanophotonics and Metamaterials did not shy away from leaving her home country for St. Petersburg, focusing on a new field of science, participating in a contest and going to Australia to conduct research. The young scientist spoke about how leaving one’s comfort zone can become a h abit and wh y it is essential to know your work’s worth and take pride in it.


  • Scientists Complete Research on Ultra-Short Pulses in Resonant Mediums

    A team of researchers from ITMO University, headed by Professor Nikolai Rozanov and in collaboration with their Russian colleagues from St. Petersburg State University’s Department of Optics and German colleagues from Uwe Morgner’s Ultrafast Optics Group at Leibniz University (Hannover), has acquired valuable results on the matter of propagation of extremely short optical pulses in resonant mediums.


  • Scientists Achieve Breakthrough in Polariton Laser Technology

    An international scientific team has modeled and conducted an experiment in the course of which they have managed to produce an electrically pumped spin-polarized polariton laser. This allows for a reduction in the laser’s energy consumption levels and control over the output polarization. This is achieved thanks to the use of magnetic materials in the device’s contacts: the electrons that come into contact with the laser have a preferred spin direction, which allows for effective spin pumping. Polariton lasers are very promising for the very reason that they do not require high amounts of energy. In addition, they work at room temperatures. Due to this, they can be used in portable electronics, optical computers and communication devices. Results of the experiment have been published in Physical Review Letters.


  • IEEE Award Winner Slobozhanyuk: “There Are No Stupid Questions in Science”

    Alexey Slobozhanyuk, a postgraduate student and research associate at ITMO University’s International Laboratory “Applied Radioengineering”, has received an award from the IEEE’s Antennas and Propagation Society. Such recognition provides many opportunities for work in research institutes all over the world, yet, the winner says, he wants to give back to his alma mater and his country. In an interview with ITMO.NEWS, Alexey speaks about his working process, how a scientist can remain enthusiastic and not get tired of work, what makes research important and relevant and why there are no stupid questions in science.


  • ITMO Scientists Improve Lensless Computational Microscopy Technology

    Scientists from ITMO University and the Tampere University of Technology have improved upon a method for computational processing of optical signals in lensless microscopes. The algorithms they developed have helped increase the resolution of images acquired from such microscopes. Results of their research have been published in The Optical Society’s (OSA) scientific journal Optica.


  • ITMO Students Share Summer Internship Stories

    Every summer, ITMO students travel all over the world to participate in internships and visit the world’s largest companies and universities. Internships have long ago stopped being simple working affairs and are now seen as exciting adventures and a way to gain unique experience. ITMO.NEWS has prepared a few stories about our students’ most fascinating summer internships – from working at Google to being a science journalist in Sicily.


  • First Russian Li-Fi Network Launched at ITMO University

    The first light-operated data transmission network in Russia was launched by ITMO University’s Department of Light Technologies and Optoelectronics. The new format, known as Li-Fi, may become an effective alternative to Wi-Fi. It uses optical signals instead of radio waves, and, in fact, transmits data hundreds of times faster than traditional wireless networking. A speed of 50 Mbps was reached in the ITMO University laboratory, which is comparable, and even superior, to a regular Wi-Fi connection. Li-Fi communication channels are considered to provide better security. They may also be used in Wi-Fi “dead-zones”: operating rooms, airplanes, and in other conditions requiring minimization of radio interference.


  • Youth in Science: Summer Internship in Photonics and Optical IT

    The Summer Internship has begun at ITMO University’s Department of Photonics and Optical Information Technologies. For two weeks, tenth-graders will acquaint themselves with the latest research in the fields of quantum information, biomedicine, femtosecond optics and other innovative sciences. The high-schoolers will work with scientists on actual research, start their own project and will soon be able to take part in prestigious conferences for experts in photonics and optical IT. Read on to find out how Summer Internship works at ITMO University and how students can start getting involved in “adult science” in tenth grade.


  • Nanotech From Birth: How Future Engineers Are Made at ITMO’s “Quantoriums”.

    Some of ITMO University’s staff has become a federal tutor in a childrens’ extracurricular education program organized by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives. The university and the agency have paired up to create the ITMO Nanoquantum program. The university will train tutors who will teach at “Quantoriums” – children’s technoparks that will soon open all over the country. They are intended to serve as a modern version of the “Palaces of the Pioneers” from the olden days where children were brought up as future engineers and inventors. The students at “Quantoriums” will be able to choose among 13 fields of study that correspond to Russia’s scientific and technological priorities of the next 20 to 30 years.


  • Rusnano Head Chubais: Five New Nanotech Clusters in Russia by 2027

    In the next ten years the Russian nanoindustry will be expanded with five new technological clusters. These are: windpower, solid-waste recycling, flexible electronics, industrial energy storage and nanomodified material. They will join the six clusters that have already been established in Russia since 2007. Anatoly Chubais, head of “Rusnano”, spoke about this at an open lecture in ITMO University. During the talk he analyzed the development of the Russian nanoindustry over the last ten years and gave his forecast on the industry for the upcoming 10 years.
