Search by tag «Student Life» 98 results

  • Student Spotlight: Daniil Koshelev, Russia

    Daniil Koshelev is a Russian third-year student of the Bachelor’s program Technological Innovations Management at ITMO University. In this interview, Daniil tells us about why he decided to study at ITMO and his experiences as a student and manager of the University's football team.


  • ITMO’s Buddy System: Helping International Students Feel at Home

    Every student who has ever been on exchange knows how hard it can be to adapt to the new surroundings, get all your papers sorted, and adjust to the new timetable and academic process. It’s important to have someone you can ask for help at this time, a friendly face you can look for in a crowd of your new fellow students – and that is where buddies come in to save the day. At ITMO, these are found in Buddy System, a student club whose manager, Anna Gargalyk, I caught up with for this interview. 


  • ITMakeup: Beauty, Self-Acceptance and Online Makeup Tutorials

    ITMakeup, a student club dedicated to promoting self-acceptance and educating its members on how to use makeup in their everyday life, faced a unique challenge in recent times. As the university went online, it had to figure out how to engage with its members remotely, when everything was already in place for in-person beauty sessions. We caught up with Maria Shvedova, Polina Guseva and Olga Kokorina to talk about how they're finding ways to thrive, their inspiration and future plans.


  • Get to Know the Student Services Office

    By now you must know that ITMO University has a Student Services Office, a one-stop location where students can go to ask any question about their life as a student at the university. You can learn more about the structure of the Office and how it came about here. We asked the staff and also some international students who used its services about their experience with the new Office. And we want to tell you all about it!


  • Where They're Always Glad to Help: Inside the New Student Services Office at ITMO University

    The Student Services Office, which was launched at ITMO University in August 2019, has moved to a new location. The brand-new creative space now operates on the fourth floor at Lomonosova St. 9 and is ready to help students to resolve their questions about paperwork, tuition fees, accommodation and academic backlog. Plus, there is a cozy coworking space where you can discuss your projects, do your homework or just relax in between classes.


  • Student Grub: Our Easy Meal Favorites

    It’s not all about the instant noodles… Healthy, fast and delicious – and even a little exotic – is the name of the game when it comes to making a perfect student meal, whether it’s a quick breakfast, hearty lunch, or a hard day’s night dinner. Here’s what we love.


  • Steps Away: Places to Explore Near ITMO University's Kronversky Campus

    In the Russian language, the word okno – “window” – has another meaning familiar to any student or professor: “an empty period between classes”. Whether you’re a virtuoso of time management or someone who makes it up as they go along, you’ll be sure to encounter these in your daily life. In this series, we’ll consider a few options for how to put that extra time to good use. And we’ll start by exploring the area that’s key for every ITMO student or staff member: the main campus at Kronverksky Prospekt 49.


  • Speak Like a Russian: Student Slang

    Thus far, we’ve been learning various words and expressions that can help you adapt to living in Russia, but didn’t touch upon quite an obvious topic: student life. So, in order to catch up and since it’s the beginning of the academic year, we’ve decided to focus our today’s article on Russian student slang!


  • Hot, Greasy, Delicious: Russian Fast Food to Make You Happy

    Comfort food is never about the calories. And almost never about the money. It might be about the simple science of sugar and fat coming together to trigger the hormones of happiness. But we like to believe that it’s about reconnecting to our younger selves and our cultural identity in general. Could the key to the mysterious Russian soul be found in a... pyshka?


  • ITMO Alumni and ITMO Ambassadors: Staying in Touch After Graduation

    ​Today, ITMO Alumni Association brings together not just the university’s graduates who live in Russia, but also its former international students. For one, ITMO’s alumni community in Bulgaria has over a hundred members, some of which still participate in ITMO’s scientific events. Many of the international students who are currently studying in St. Petersburg are becoming ITMO ambassadors ready to represent ITMO in their home countries. ITMO.NEWS talked to a few of them.
