Search by tag «Admission» 25 results

  • 5 Myths About Student Life in Russia Debunked

    Studying abroad is about building new connections, having fun and also learning how to fit into an unfamiliar environment. It’s inevitable to come across some common concerns about the way it will go, but luckily, not all of them are true! In this article, we address the most common myths about student life in Russia and at ITMO in particular.


  • Applications Open for the I Am a Professional Contest

    The I Am a Professional competition is officially underway. Winners will receive monetary prizes of up to 300,000 rubles, admission privileges when applying for Master’s and PhD programs, and internship opportunities at major Russian companies. See below for details on this season’s contest.


  • Staff Spotlight: Ekaterina Rassolenko, International Admissions Office

    Every year, hundreds of international students come to ITMO as well as travel abroad as part of academic mobility programs. Naturally, a lot of effort goes into making it happen. Let’s take a sneak peek into the workings of ITMO’s International Admissions Office through the words of Ekaterina, an employee since 2018.


  • Professional Figure Skater Petr Gumennik On Entering ITMO and Getting into Bioinformatics

    Over 2,400 students started their Bachelor’s studies at ITMO this year. Among them is Petr Gumennik, a Russian ice skater and bronze medalist at the World Junior Figure Skating Championship. He joined ITMO University to study computer science and technologies but his dreams go beyond that: he wants to study bioinformatics and help create more efficient medication for the treatment of genetic diseases. 


  • ITMO.STARS Winners On Career, Science, and New Projects

    The ITMO.STARS contest (application deadline: July 25) allows talented applicants to enroll at ITMO University regardless of their Unified State Exam scores. This initiative was launched five years ago and since then, several dozen gifted applicants submitted their projects and used them to enter the university. Last year, 19 students became finalists of the contest. In this story, some of them describe what they’ve managed to achieve since then.


  • ITMO’s Summer Courses for School Students: Programming, GameDev and Management

    Every year the ITMO.START educational platform for school students hosts summer courses at the university’s campuses. During the practice-oriented classes held by experienced lecturers, students have the opportunity to learn new skills, dabble in science and choose their future career paths. Here are the courses that will be running this August.


  • AI Security: ITMO Launches New Master’s Program

    This year, ITMO University is launching a new Master’s program titled AI Security. Its graduates will be able to ensure the security of AI systems and protect them from cyberattacks. The program’s students will be granted an opportunity to work for partner companies, such as Gazprom Neft, Sberbank, and Rostelecom, or join research teams. 


  • ITMO Holds First Forum for Winners of National Mega Contest

    This spring ITMO hosted the first national Mega Contest, winners of which can enroll into the university’s Master’s programs without entrance exams. A total of 1,348 participants, Bachelor’s graduates of years 2020 and 2021 from various Russian cities, competed in 13 tracks, with only 41 of them making it to the top. The winners received travel grants to get to the Mega Forum, where they got to know the university, advanced their skills at workshops, and participated in a hackathon.


  • ITMO Launches New Master’s Program in Design and Development of AI Systems

    ITMO’s Faculty of Software Engineering and Computer Systems has launched a new Master’s program Design and Development of AI Systems. There, students will learn to solve applied problems using existing tools and architectures of neural networks, while also acquiring a deep understanding of methods and technologies needed for AI software systems development. Read on to learn more about the program’s standalone features and the prospects of Master’s students.


  • Results of the First National ITMO Mega Contest

    This spring, ITMO hosted the first national Mega Contest. Among the 1,348 participants were people from 40 different cities and all of the country’s time zones. They competed for the opportunity to enroll in Master’s programs at ITMO without entrance exams, as well as travel grants and a relocation package.
