Today, as artificial intelligence becomes more and more commonplace, it’s becoming undeniable: AI products must be not only effective, but accessible, too. This is where Artificial Intelligence as a Service, or AIaaS for short, comes in.
Recently, ITMO announced its cooperation with the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) – together, the partners will work on a brand-new cloud platform for AI services. The project aims to provide an international launchpad for new ML-based services while boosting the domestic market.
Read more: International AI-Based Platform of Services To Appear in Russia
A rarely brought-up issue for many medical patients, especially those who are bed-bound or otherwise restricted in movement, is the need for frequent changes of urethral catheters. The procedure, though painful and uncomfortable, must be done weekly to prevent the development of infection.
Fortunately, an inter-university team that includes researchers from ITMO has come up with a solution: soft magnetic robots that can easily remove accumulated biological material from the surface of a catheter. The scientists tested several prototypes, including one that has demonstrated near-100% efficiency, and are now working on adapting the robots for other medical needs.
Read more: Minimally Invasive Method for Urethral Catheter Cleaning Suggested at ITMO

Credit: Terry Vlisidis (@vlisidis) via Unsplash
What is molecular design? This fascinating science digs deep into the structure of materials, analyzing the known and predicting the unknown to optimize every aspect of our lives. Earlier this month, ITMO.NEWS spoke to Iuliia Melchakova, a participant of the ITMO Fellowship program, about her work in this field, its relationship to chemistry, and her experience of studying in South Korea.
Every day, we create more and more new data – but how often do we wonder where it all goes? Well, data storage experts do. Last week, we chatted with Valentina Bogdanova, an ITMO graduate and developer of a new corporate storage system about her current project, how she got started in the field, and what she would suggest to budding data storage specialists as they begin on their path to mastery.
Read more: ITMO Alumna & YADRO Developer on Why and How To Become a Data Storage Specialist
What’s not to love about a good science documentary? You get to learn new things, feel smart for it, and stay entertained, too. And if you’re short of ideas on what to watch, we’ve prepared a short list of great documentaries you may not have heard of. From tech history and ruminations on the cosmos to curious experiments and the bizarre world of mushrooms – something’s bound to catch your attention.