
Across all sectors of industry, a perpetual battle unfolds between counterfeiters and those who invent ways to ensure the authenticity of products. Staying ahead means being on the cutting edge of tech – and such is the case of a team from ITMO’s ChemBio Cluster, who recently published a paper on their curious new anti-counterfeiting method.

The proposed technology is based around the use of magnet-sensitive particles suspended in liquid. Due to the unique qualities of the material, it’s possible to reveal colorful images hidden within a security tag with just the help of a magnet.

Read more: No More Counterfeiting – Thanks to Photon Crystals from ITMO


Among the currently used methods of cancer treatment is the application of anti-cancer agents, which identify cancer cells and cleave them, leaving healthy cells untouched. However, one of the challenges of the method is the accuracy with which healthy and malignant cells are identified.

Thus, researchers from ITMO’s Nucleic Acid Nanotechnologies Lab and ChemBio Cluster have decided to tackle the issue: the result is a DNA construct that assesses cancer markers with unprecedented accuracy and cleaves the troubling cells. The solution, which has already undergone in vitro testing, is now expected to go through cell culture testing.

Read more: First in the World: ITMO Researchers Train DNA Constructs to Detect Cancer Cells Based on Cancer Marker Concentration


How much do you actually know about the brain? How much does science, really? And have we gotten any closer to solving the puzzle that is our (arguably) most important organ? 

ITMO.NEWS’ own Catherine Zavodova, a PhD student of neuroscience, has dug deep into the latest research from that field to bring you the full breakdown: from new research techniques to the curious concept of synchronized brains.

Read more: Brains in Sync: What’s New in Brain Research


Credit: ITMO University

Credit: ITMO University

Looking for a PhD program? Look no further than ITMO and Yandex’s brand-new practice-driven program in artificial intelligence. Starting this September, the first students will dive headfirst into the world of AI, and not just in theory: the curriculum will include active experimentation and the integration of its findings into products. 

In addition to the chance to take part in internships and events around the world, students will even receive annual 800,000-ruble grants to support their ambitious projects. And it goes without saying that the program will involve working with and learning from the top minds of Yandex.

Read more: Yandex Launches New PhD Program and Research Grants Initiative in AI

See also: 13th SCAMT Workshop Week Wraps at ITMO – Here Are Its Projects


The AI Alliance, an association of top Russian tech companies seeking to coordinate the development of AI for science, education, and business, has given its seal of approval to Deep Learning and Generative AI, a Master’s program at ITMO.

The news, which coincides with ITMO’s inclusion at the top of the AI Alliance university rankings, should catch the eye of any young specialist looking to up their game in the field of models and algorithms. The program has recently produced its first batch of graduates, who have already gone on to careers in ML engineering.

Read more: ITMO Master’s Program in GenAI Certified by AI Alliance