Every year, the Vladimir Potanin Foundation runs a grant competition for lecturers of Russian universities who participate in the fund’s scholarship program. The grant is aimed at supporting the launch of new Master’s programs and courses, as well as the review and actualization of existing educational products (starting from 2024).
A total of 574 applications from 68 universities in Russia were submitted for the 2024/25 grant competition. Out of those by ITMO, 18 were approved for expert evaluation and five received financial support; the results made ITMO University one of this year’s leaders in the number of approved and supported applications.
Winning projects
Redesign of the research seminar Introduction to Science – Elena Bykovskaia, a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Ecotechnologies;
AI Methods in Electric Power Systems – Galina Demidova, an associate professor at the Faculty of Control Systems and Robotics;
Redesign of the course Food Research and Development – Natalya Naumenko, an associate professor at the Faculty of Biotechnologies;
Redesign of the Master’s program Applied Genomics – Mikhail Rayko, an associate professor at the Advanced Engineering School;
Autoethnography as a Method for Social Studies in Engineering Fields – Ilya Smirnov, a lecturer at the DH Center.
In the 2024-2025 season, the Vladimir Potanin Foundation awarded a total of 73.8 million rubles to 150 lecturers from 54 Russian universities.