According to the statistics, the average salary of ITMO graduates currently amounts to 235,000 rubles a month. It grew by 18% (or 35,000 rubles) compared to last year – that’s the highest salary increase among graduates of Russian universities.

Just like last year, ITMO is the only representative of St. Petersburg in the top 3, sharing the second place with Lomonosov Moscow State University. Also in the top 3 are Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, and National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.

This year’s ranking is based on an assessment of average salaries of specialists employed in the IT field who have graduated from a given university between 2016 and 2021. A total of 66 Russian universities are included in the ranking, seven of which are based in St. Petersburg.

Apart from average salaries, the SuperJob ranking takes into account the average Unified State Exam (USE) scores of students admitted to each university in 2022. ITMO made it to the top here, too, with an average USE score of 96.5 (out of 100). Interestingly, 87% of ITMO graduates choose to live and work in St. Petersburg. 

You can find the complete ranking here (in Russian).

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