Universities in 13 subject areas are listed in the ranking, such as engineering sciences, computer science, mathematics, materials science, Earth sciences, social sciences, chemical technologies, chemistry, physics, energy physics, humanities, life sciences, and economics.
What is good about this subject approach is that it allows us to find out which universities are the most successful in each subject area, shared Ilya Kuftiryov, head of ITMO University’s Rankings Research Center. ITMO University took the first place in computer science, outrunning Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, and Lomonosov Moscow State University. ITMO is also among the leaders in two other areas, such as chemistry (3rd-4th place), and chemical science (3rd place), which makes it one of the overall leaders alongside with Lomonosov Moscow State University, Novosibirsk State University, St. Petersburg State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, and National Research University Higher School of Economics.

Compared to last year, ITMO University has significantly improved its position in such areas as engineering science, chemical technologies, energetics, and life science.
“Subject rankings focus on universities' academic research performance in specific fields. When assessing this performance, several criteria are taken into account: the quality of the university's growth, the demand for its scientific work on a global scale, and the consistency of scientific activity”, noted Mr. Kuftiryov.
Last week, Times Higher Education (THE) published its THE Emerging Economies University Rankings-2018. 378 universities from 42 countries were included in this ranking, including China, India, the Republic of South Africa, Brazil, Turkey, Catar, Cyprus, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, etc. As for Russian universities, 27 of them were included in the list, which is three universities more than in the last year’s ranking. ITMO University ranked 57th in the overall ranking and was placed 9th among Russian universities.

The methodology of the ranking is similar to one used in its international counterparts, including the THE and QS rankings, as it contains 13 separate indicators grouped under five categories: teaching (30 % of final score), research (30 %), citations (20 %), international outlook (10 %), and industry income (10 %).
“ITMO University is particularly strong in the “international outlook” and “industry income” criteria”, commented Mr. Kuftiryov.
Among other Russian universities participating in Project 5-100 that are listed in the THE Emerging Economies University Rankings-2018 are Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (11th place), National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (19th place), Tomsk Polytechnic University (21st place), National Research University Higher School of Economics (32nd place), Tyumen State University (36th place), Novosibirsk State University (43rd place), Kazan Federal University (60th place), Samara State University (123rd place).