My Experience as Guest Lecturer at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

During this semester, I got the opportunity to work as guest lecturer for students of Spanish at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.

Diego with his students. Photo courtesy of the subject

From the beginning of the class, my goal was to establish an open and inclusive dialogue with the students, encouraging reflection and the exchange of ideas about how family values are manifested and lived between Latin America and Russia. Through concrete examples, personal anecdotes, and historical data, I sought to offer a comprehensive and nuanced view of the similarities and differences between Russian and Latin American cultures regarding the importance of family and the values that underpin it.

One of the most enriching parts of the class was the Q&A session, where students had the opportunity to share their own experiences, doubts, and reflections on the topic. This generated a collaborative and enriching learning environment, where we addressed specific aspects of each culture and explored possible explanations for the observed differences.

Regarding cultural differences, our discussion highlighted how the warmth and expressiveness of familial relationships in Latin America contrast with the reserve and emotional containment characteristic of Russian culture. This divergence sparked an interesting debate about how the culture and history of each region shape interpersonal relationships and values passed down from generation to generation.

Likewise, we explored universal similarities that transcend cultural borders, such as the value of love, respect, and solidarity within the family. This approach allowed students to recognize that, despite cultural differences, there are fundamental aspects that unite all families, regardless of their geographical or cultural origin.

As a guest lecturer, my goal was to not only convey knowledge on the subject, but also foster greater understanding and appreciation for cultural diversity and the multiple ways in which family values are expressed and lived in different parts of the world.

I would like to thank the Institute of Humanities and Professor Ekaterina Shostak from Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, as well as my Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations at ITMO for their support.

Master's student, Innovation Entrepreneurship