One way to go if you want to find your new favorite book is to pay a visit to a nearby library and see if there’s something to your liking in its storage. To speed up the process, go to the catalog of St. Petersburg libraries and browse it in advance. You can find out where a book you’d like to read is stored and even order it to be delivered to another library.
Find our recommendations on some of the coolest local libraries here.
In case what you have in mind are books in national languages of Russia, languages of the Baltic countries, or those of the former Soviet republics, you should check out the Library of National Literatures on Sadovaya St. that we’ve mentioned in one of our previous stories.
If none of these options suited you, or you’re looking for something rare and specific, it’s time to bring out the big guns. We’re talking about the legendary National Library of Russia, one of the biggest book storages in the world. But don’t let that scare you off – with our instructions, your visit there won’t be too overwhelming:
The National Library of Russia: The Hogwarts of St. Petersburg
Online bookstores
When it comes to online bookstores, among the most popular ones in Russia is Labirint. It has a wide selection of books in English, Spanish, Italian, French, Mandarin, and other languages. Among its advantages are low delivery rates and a bunch of pickup points all around the city.
Don’t forget to browse online marketplaces like Ozon or Wildberries, too. Even though they aren’t focused on literature, the amount of gems to be found there might surprise you!
Another great option – the online bookstore Logobook that offers a unique selection of books printed abroad. The delivery might take some time, but the anticipation is worth it, right?
It’s also worth checking out the VK community MiLi-books focused on literature in English. They resell used books and update their collection every week.
Vintage books
Now that we’re on the topic of used books, we can’t help but mention Staraya Kniga (Old Book). It’s a chain of vintage bookstores in St. Petersburg with an impressive collection, including international literature. See it for yourself next time you visit ITMO’s campus on Lomonosova St. – there’s a Staraya Kniga store just a block away.
You can also find a bunch of used books at flea markets, and of course, don’t forget about Avito, your ultimate helper for all things vintage.
Offline stores
Most local bookstores – at least relatively big ones – offer a selection of books in foreign languages. For example, you can find them in Bookvoed, Dom Knigi, and Podpisnie Izdaniya.
And if you’re looking for something in Asian languages, Zhyoltyi Dvor (Yellow Yard) is a must-visit location that offers books in Korean, Mandarin, and Japanese.
The list could go on, but let’s wrap it up for today! For more suggestions on leisure in St. Petersburg, follow our section on the topic.