Search by tag «ITMO Highpark» 73 results

  • St. Petersburg Administration Approves Utility Connection for ITMO Highpark

    The St. Petersburg administration’s Tariffs Committee has approved the link-up of ITMO Highpark’s boiler facilities to the city-wide utilities network. The corresponding decision was made at a committee session on April 17.


  • Contractor Named for First Construction Phase of ITMO Highpark

    The tender for construction of the first phase of ITMO Highpark was awarded to the company PolitekhStroy. The works are planned to be completed in June 2025.


  • Contractor Named for Second and Third Construction Phases of ITMO Highpark

    A tender for the execution of engineering works at ITMO Highpark went to the architectural bureau Studio 44, which expects to complete the design for the second and third stages by late 2023. 


  • ITMO Highpark Connected to Water Supply

    Vodokanal of St. Petersburg (the city’s main water utilities enterprise – Ed.) has reported that the  research and education center ITMO Highpark, located in the Yuzhny satellite city, has been connected to the city’s water supply and disposal infrastructure. 


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #17

    In October’s final digest of all things science at ITMO, we’ll be covering a promising new COVID-19 test tool, the latest updates on ITMO Highpark, a rankings success – and insight-rich interviews with some of the university’s brightest minds in the realms of robotics and science art.


  • Russian Government to Invest Nearly Seven Billion Rubles in ITMO Highpark

    On October 20, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed an executive order to allocate 6.8 billion rubles to construct ITMO Highpark, a world-class research, education, and innovation center in the satellite city Yuzhny.


  • Approved: Construction of First ITMO Highpark Buildings

    St. Petersburg State Construction Supervision and Expertise Service has issued its approval of the construction of ITMO University’s campus on the grounds of the ITMO Highpark research, education, and innovation center. 


  • Gazprom Neft and ITMO University to Launch Joint Innovative Industrial Center

    The agreement signed between Gazprom Neft and ITMO University will result in the establishment of a new world-class innovative industrial center in St. Petersburg that will produce sensors, robots, drone control systems, computing systems, and other digital solutions for the oil and gas sector.


  • SPIEF 2022: First Stage of Housing and Social Infrastructure for Satellite City Yuzhny Unveiled

    The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2022 (SPIEF 2022) featured a presentation of the first residential areas and social facilities to appear in the satellite city Yuzhny. The first stage of the construction will cover around 50,000 square meters, 41,800 square meters out of which will be taken up by housing. The first apartments are expected to be completed in 2024.


  • Russian Minister of Science and Higher Education Named as Chair of ITMO Highpark Board of Directors

    The implementation and funding of ITMO Highpark, a new campus currently under construction in the satellite city Yuzhny south of St. Petersburg, will now be carried out within the framework of the programs of the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education; the government body’s head, Minister Valery Falkov, has been chosen as the chair of the company’s board of directors. Maxut Shadayev, who heads the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media, which was previously tasked with overseeing the project, will stay on as a member of the board.
