Search by tag «Main» 2221 results

  • Vladimir Vasilyev — Rector of the Year

    For the last 13 years, the "Business Petersburg" newspaper conducts an annual award ceremony for Saint Petersburg’s best top managers — the "Top-100". For his achievements in developing modern solutions and elaborating relevant goals in the field of photonics, bioengineering and biotechnology, the newspaper’s editorial office named Vladimir Vasilyev "the Rector of the Year".


  • ITMO "Raps the Scrap" at the World Robot Olympiad

    The last round of the World Robot Olympiad has ended in New Delhi; amongst the four teams representing Russia, two were from ITMO University, and both had great results: the team that worked on the Nuclear Waste Taker project got silver in the Senior High group, and the Arctic Cleaner team got fourth among Junior High.


  • ITMO U Website Wins Bronze at QS-APPLE

    ITMO University won bronze at QS-APPLE Creative Awards for Best International Website Page at the 12 th QS-APPLE higher education conference that’s taking place in Malaysia right now. It was the only Russian university to be recognized in any nomination. We’re thrilled to receive such a prestigious honor!


  • ITMO University Launches New Chemical-Biological Center

    Last Friday, the combined Chemical-Biological Center started working at ITMO University. Rector Vladimir Vasilyev and Professor David Avnir, co-head of the SCAMT International Laboratory participated in the ribbon-cutting ceremony. During the event, Vladimir and Alexandr Vinogradovs made a tour of the new center on Lomonosova str., 9.


  • Study in the Country of Icecream Palaces and Borsch

    It’s not every day you see a Frenchman walking the halls of ITMO, casually speaking Russian with his classmates. Nicolas Charlon isn’t just any Frenchman though, he speaks four languages fluently, French, Polish, Russian and English. When he views Russia he perceives opportunity, a potential future and a chance to grow. He appreciates the wonderful people and the fact that Russia isn’t quite Europe. After an exchange trip during high school to a small town south of Moscow, he knew he wanted to come back for something more.


  • Changes at the "Speed of Lightning": International Council Meeting in Brussels Recaps on ITMO’s Two Years of Striving for Excellence

    November 11, 2016 in Brussels, Belgium was marked with the meeting of the ITMO University International Council. The reason for nearly 100% attendance of the members is explainable: there’s a lot on the plate. To welcome new members into the IC; rejoice over the exciting fact that ITMO U made it into THE ranking, exceeding all expectations; and decide how ITMO U can sustain great results achieved. Such results are possible due to the performance of the outstanding ITMO University professionals and the thoughtful guidance of the honorable IC members.


  • ITMO Sport Guide Part 1: Train Your Brain and Build your Body

    Like most modern universities, ITMO offers students a wide variety of both team and individual sports, catering for those with purely recreational aims all the way to the rare few with professional, even Olympic potential.


  • Modeling Reality: the Fifth "Young Scientists" Conference in Krakov

    Thanks to high-performance computing, scientists can now analyze large amounts of data, predict or model different situations and improve various systems. Algorithms and applications that are developed at ITMO are used in medicine, industry, programming and many other areas. Some of them were presented at the fifth 'Young Scientists' international conference in Poland.


  • Happy Birthday Computer Virus

    Today is a special date in IT history. Thirty three years ago an American called Fred Cohen created a program that could infect the computer and gain control of the system. It wasn’t, however, until later that the term "computer virus" was coined by Leonard Adleman who was Cohen’s academic adviser and the co-inventor of the RSA cryptosystem. For the last few decades, viruses have amused and frightened humanity, and have also become a source of great problems for large companies and deprived millions of users, access to their computers. Our "celebratory" article today will, with the help of ITMO experts, explore how this time of malware has evolved and dispel myths associated with it.


  • ITMO and SAP Launch a New Business Accelerator

    ITMO University and the SAP Company signed an agreement on ITMO entering the SAP University Alliance and launching of the SAP Next-Gen Lab — a new generation accelerator that promotes project-oriented education and gives the students an opportunity to partake in real commercial projects.
