Search by tag «Game Development» 41 results

  • ITMO Students Receive First Place at DevGAMM Awards

    Students of ITMO University’s Faculty of Digital Transformation (Master’s program Game Development Technologies) have placed first in the Best Student Game category at DevGAMM Awards 2021 and secured a prize of $4,000. The competition was held as part of the game developer conference DevGAMM – the largest of its kind in Eastern Europe. The event is held annually in Moscow, Kyiv, Minsk, and other cities in the region.


  • ITMO.STARS 2020 Winners: Who Are They?

    This year’s winners told ITMO.NEWS how to get into conferences at Google and Intel while still being in school, win an international robotics competition, release your own game on Steam and make it a top seller, and also how to solve issues relating to the environment, children’s sleep, and expensive prostheses.


  • How an ITMO Student and Her Friend's YouTube Channel is Breaking Stereotypes About Women in IT

    Isabella Merkulova and Mariia Kokaiia work together at Panoramik GameDev Studio, and recently they started the YouTube channel DEVchata (a pun on the Russian word for “gals” – Ed.). The co-hosts conduct interviews with experts from the IT world and discuss the industry's concerns. ITMO.NEWS talked to Isabella and Mariia to find out about the channel’s history and plans.  


  • Geek Picnic Online: Lectures in Minecraft, Discussions Galore, and a Virtual Party on Mars

    Geek Picnic is one of Russia’s largest open-air festivals dedicated to science, technologies and geek culture. The event brings together key figures of the Russian and international popular science scene, as well as scientists and experts from completely different fields: from psychology and pedagogy to media art and quantum physics.


  • Wargaming Specialist Hosts Intensive Course for Master’s Students of Game Development Technologies

    The Game Development Technologies Master’s program at ITMO recently hosted an intensive course by Svyatoslav Torick, a product vision expert at Wargaming. The short course, which focused on how to develop one’s idea for a game and monetize it, took place entirely online. Still, that didn’t stop the students from making the most of the opportunity to chat with an industry expert. We spoke to Svyatoslav Torick, Alexander Khoroshavin, the curator of the program, and the program’s students, to find out what the future game developers have taken away from the course and how this knowledge will come in handy in their careers.


  • Lumen in the Land of Nanite: What the Unreal Engine 5 Demo Tells Us About the Future of Video Game Graphics

    Epic Games recently revealed a new demo of the fifth generation of their Unreal Engine, running live on the upcoming PlayStation 5. The Unreal Engine 5 tech demo revolves around two next-gen technologies called Lumen and Nanite. The first is promised to bring fully dynamic global illumination to upcoming titles, while the other focuses on rendering an unprecedented number of polygons in real time.


  • ITMO's First Game Development Graduates on Russian GameDev and Their Careers

    Three years ago, the Master’s program in Game Development Technologies was launched at ITMO University. There are two specializations: Game Design and In-Game Technologies, which includes game engine development and artificial intelligence programming. During their studies, students of this program participated in creating applications for the 2019 Minsk European Games and WorldSkills Kazan 2019. Now, they work at major game development companies. We asked the first graduates to tell us about their career paths, and experience they gained at the university.


  • New Worlds, Warm Greetings and Research: Why We Love Gaming

    Over the years, public attitude towards gaming has evolved through various stages: from complete disregard to careful appreciation. However, in many minds this cultural phenomenon still continues to be a form of entertainment with possibly dangerous side effects and a mostly young audience. We are here today to demonstrate that there is much more to be discussed in the industry that has been rocketing in the last 20 years. 


  • First Graduates of Game Development Technologies Master’s Program: You Cannot Just Be a Programmer in GameDev

    This year marks the graduation of the first ever intake of the “Game Development Technologies” Master’s program. The former students are now on their way to changing the world of videogames. We had the chance to talk to the graduates and their professors about the benefits of this program, as well as  what it is that makes a game developer stand out from other IT specialists and makes people want to become one.


  • Modern Visual Effects: Applications and Software

    Trailers of upcoming films usually give rise to heated discussions in social media. Still, in 2019, the situation is different: people seem to show disdain for the visual effects in the upcoming films and ask to do them over. Such a thing happened to Sonic when the studio decided to change the character’s appearance and postponed the movie’s release; Cats were subject to the same fate, although in this case, the release hasn’t been postponed yet. Users mocked the creative solutions of studios and came up with memes where they wondered what happened to the people responsible for visual effects in the film industry. ITMO.NEWS decided to make sense of what being a VFX artist is about.
