Search by tag «Main» 2235 results

  • That’s Progress: ITMO Launches Pop-Sci Comedy Show on Research News

    Is it true that scientists in Japan can erase memories? What are xenobots? Can AI predict car accidents and, most importantly, is Pac-Man dumb? Boost your Russian skills by getting deep into the world of scientific jokes with ITMO’s new show That’s Progress!


  • Rostov-on-Don: Sunshine, Spacious Streets, and History at Every Corner

    A city of seemingly permanent summer, contrasts, friendly cats, bustling energy, and abundant history, Rostov-on-Don is bound to have a special place in your heart.


  • What Modern Universities Look Like and What Opportunities They Offer

    On May 12, experts in the field of education met at the International Multimedia Press Center Rossiya Segodnya for a discussion titled Models of Higher Education. How to Choose a University? At the meeting, the speakers talked about general trends in education, new opportunities for students, and unconventional practices. You can learn about the conclusions they’ve reached in this ITMO.NEWS article.


  • Enjoy Every Cup: Specialty Coffee in St. Petersburg

    Whether you have six cups a day or only enjoy coffee on special occasions, sometimes you just want to go a little extra while still staying within a reasonable price range. That’s where specialty coffee comes in, rich in flavor and carefully handled before reaching your cup. What is it and where can you taste some? Read on to find out. 


  • Applied AI Challenge: Winners’ Tips and New Opportunities for Participants

    Applied AI Challenge, an online hackathon in machine learning and data analysis, will launch at ITMO on May 17. This year, it is organized in partnership with Tochka Bank and Gazprom Neft’s Science and Technology Center. Winners will be able to enroll into Master’s programs Big Data Financial Technologies and AI in the Industry without exams. Read on to learn why you should participate in hackathons, how to take part in Applied AI Challenge, and what to expect from the contest. 


  • Fork up Night Meetup: Dealing With Challenges in FoodTech Industry

    We often hear about successes in business, but what does it actually take to build a prosperous company? At the Fork up Night meetup, representatives of FoodTech companies shared their experiences of ups and downs when launching projects in the field of alternative food production. Here are the highlights of the event.


  • ITMO’s Open Education: Raves, Rap Battles, and Star Hosts

    This year will see the second edition of ITMO’s Open Education festival, which will continue on its mission to abolish all stereotypes about education. For instance, this year the event will take the form of a rave at a former factory workshop that is now DAA Design District. Here is what else to expect at the event.


  • This Weekend in St. Petersburg: May 14-15, 2022

    It almost feels like there have been too many weekends this May, and yet another one is around the corner. Just like our trusty and handy guide to all the best events you should visit this weekend. Enjoy!


  • Unexplored St. Petersburg: Kolomna

    Unlike more flashy districts of the city such as Petrogradskaya Side or Vasilievsky Island, Kolomna remains low key. Some even confuse it with its namesake, a town in the Moscow Oblast. A bohemian and cultural gem, it shouldn’t be overlooked. 


  • Carve Your Path in Science: ITMO to Host PI School for Rising Stars

    Within the scope of several days, participants of ITMO PI School: Rising Stars will turn into leaders of research, technological, educational, and engineering projects that will make the core of the university’s transformation into its 2030 vision. Here’s all you need to know about the school’s program and application process. 
