The main goal of the competition is to attract students to research activities and improve the quality of graduate training. A total of 238 graduates, including 147 Master’s and 91 Bachelor’s students, participated in the competition. All winners have applied to continue their studies at ITMO University.
The annual contest among university graduates was held in three stages:
- Department Level;
- School Level;
- University Level.
The winners of the annual competition for the best FQRW
Bachelor’s students:
Daria Zviagintseva, Study of phase transitions in an open quantum optical system using machine learning methods
Nadezhda Schedrina, Laser controlled wetting of steel surface for the directional flow of liquids
Egor Marinenkov, Development of a model for detecting violations of content integrity in cyber-physical systems using game theory
Daria Sergeeva, Improving the organization of road transport of goods in intercity traffic
Irina Tumanian, Formulation development and assessment of consumer properties of bread using functional additives
Master’s students:
Irina Arefina, Study of the optical responses of colloidal carbon dots upon interaction with gold nanoparticles
Petr Begen, Application of artificial intelligence tools to analyze the functioning of e-participation systems
Lev Ivanov, Cryogenic LNG storage system for river gas tankers
Ekaterina Kapitonova, Formation of a transport model for identifying and assessing points of attraction for passenger traffic
Alena Koroleva, Miracle Glade 2.0: Relocation of rare plant species to the gallery space
Alexei Ovcharov, Estimation of parameters of a linear regression model with linearly dependent components of the regressor on the example of electromechanical systems
The papers proposed by graduates had to meet several criteria that connected with the novelty of the suggested solutions, quality of research, and consistency of presentation.
Among other assessment criteria for the research paper were:
- compliance with the subject matter of the main scientific priority areas of the University;
- information on the use of research results, grants won, scholarships, publications in scientific journals (both Russian and international), applications for intellectual property objects, awards received at All-Russian, regional, and citywide competitions;
- availability of reports on the associated R&D topics at scientific conferences, seminars;
- quality of presentation (including compliance with state standards);
- degree of independence of the work performed.

The winners among Bachelor’s students got the right to apply for financial support from ITMO University for participating in short-term educational events or internships, as well as for increased funding in the 2020/21 academic year in the amount of up to 100,000 rubles.
The winners among Master's students, as decided by the Admissions Committee in the relevant majors of PhD programs, will be able to get the maximum score on the entrance exam in a special discipline and enroll in ITMO's PhD programs without having to take exams.
The winner's scientific supervisor receives a diploma "The best scientific supervisor of the final qualification research work".

This year, the winners of the competition were graduates of five faculties and one institute of the university – Faculty of Cryogenic Engineering, Faculty of Control Systems and Robotics, Institute of Design & Urban Studies, Faculty of Photonics and Optical Information, Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations, and Institute of International Development and Partnership.
As noted by one of the winners, Irina Arefina, a Master’s student at the Faculty of Photonics and Optical Information, participation in the competition helped her strengthen the confidence in the need to continue her engagement in science.

“The competition allowed me to see the value of my scientific work. It was interesting to see what areas of focus and inventions are considered promising at our university. Winning the competition helped me believe in my strength and inspired me to continue my research as a Phd student. I am very grateful to my supervisor – Elena Ushakova. From the very beginning she supported my initiative to participate in the competition, gave recommendations and advice,” says Irina Arefina.
Irina Tumanian, a Bachelor’s student at the Faculty of Food Biotechnologies and Engineering, adds that winning the competition will get her the financial support that, in turn, will help her make use of other opportunities offered by the university.

“I really want to go on an internship in the new academic year. And thanks to my winning in the competition, I can now qualify for financial support from the university with greater courage and confidence. Without my mentor and motivator, Doctor of Medical Science Vladimir Bespalov, with whom we have worked on scientific articles and research for several years, it would be extremely difficult to even imagine it. Many thanks to him for providing me with the opportunity to start and develop a career as a scientist. My research supervisor, Associate Professor Elena Soboleva, also actively helped me and inspired me to improve my thesis,” shares Irina Tumanian.
Department of Scientific-Research Work of Students