Hi, thanks for doing this interview with us!
Thank you for having me. I have been looking forward to this moment. My friends have urged me several times to reach out to you for an interview.
We’re glad to talk to you. Please introduce yourself to our readers.
I am Carl Emad Akoula Hakim, a second-year Master's student studying industrial ecology at the Faculty of Ecotechnologies (GreenTech). My specialization is environmental design – I am learning how to create such products that don’t harm the environment. My background is in architecture, so now I am trying to combine architecture with ecology and sustainability.
What made you transition to ecology?
During my Bachelor’s, I worked on architectural projects that involved environmental design. So, at heart, I am an architect with a focus on ecological principles. Since my graduation, I wanted to get a Master’s degree in environmental design to understand this topic more. I also wanted to study abroad and honestly, my dream destinations were Milan in Italy and St. Petersburg in Russia!
What is sustainability to you and how can we implement it in our daily lives?
Sustainability in its basic terms means to care for future generations. Once you start thinking about the next generation, you take steps to preserve natural resources, like energy and water, and find innovative solutions to reduce their current use. For me, the priority is responsible consumption and production. We can take care of how much resources we use and make sure not to waste any of them. The food we eat, the products we purchase, and the materials we use for construction, can all be made and used sustainably.
What is your thesis topic?
My project revolves around transforming the landfill of Noviy Svet-Eco LLC (located in the Leningrad oblast – Ed.). The main aim is to promote environmental protection, economic growth, and social equity by transforming the landfill site into a new sustainable eco-techno park. Based on my detailed analysis and literature review, I made a design including a 3D simulation and detailed studies of possible features of the new design to promote energy efficiency, water efficiency, the use of eco-friendly materials, innovation in design, etc. Also, I am aiming to obtain the SITES sustainable landscape environmental certification for my project.

“I was introduced to ITMO by some students and I fell in love with the university instantly,” says Carl. Photo courtesy of the subject
Amazing! Now let’s talk about your student life. How does it feel to be at ITMO?
I was surprised to see that everyone at ITMO is good at English. When I came here, I was not very fluent in English but I received a lot of support from ITMO. I am also learning Russian, a completely new language, but again, with everyone’s help, I am able to achieve my goals faster. That’s the beauty of ITMO. Everyone is so helpful and cooperative. I also appreciate the opportunities provided to students here.
Why did you decide to study in Russia?
My first trip to Russia was three years ago on volunteering duty. I was very fascinated by this beautiful country, especially St. Petersburg for its vibes and architectural grandeur. Since then, I have made up my mind to study here.
Were you a part of the Foundation Program?
No, I was not a part of this program because my Master’s program is completely in English. So I did not have to learn Russian as a subject. However, it is always better to know the language, so I am learning it on my own.
How much Russian have you learned so far?
I can understand basic Russian. I can also read and write to some extent. Speaking is the area where much work needs to be done. For now, I can only have very basic conversations and I am still more comfortable in English than in Russian. But I am improving gradually.
What are your hobbies?
I play table tennis. I participated in the KronBars’ table tennis session a couple of times. We also have a playground at our dormitory where I play regularly. I also enjoy designing my own things, such as postcards. I am also a big fan of outdoor activities like hiking. I want to explore small towns and big cities in Russia, like Moscow and Sochi.
Do you live in a dormitory?
Yes, I live in the dormitory located on Alpiysky Lane 15. It is a very cozy place to live in. The building is clean and equipped with all modern amenities. There is also a playground adjacent to our dorm where we play football every Saturday.
What has been your experience with Russian winter?
In Egypt, there’s no snow at all. So, when I witnessed snowfall for the first time here in St. Petersburg, I was over the moon. But soon, I felt the cold and realized that I am not really ready for this. It took me some time to adapt and soon I found myself craving summer.

Carl’s favorite places in St. Petersburg are Nevsky Prospect and Begovaya. Photo courtesy of the subject
What has your experience been with Russian food?
I like to eat a lot. I have tried various restaurants here. But I am not really into typical Russian dishes. However, I do enjoy the blinis at Teremok. Mostly, I depend on Asian food. There are also many bistros here where you can find dishes from different countries.
What are your plans for the future?
I would like to continue studying at ITMO. I have already won the Open Doors scholarship for my PhD. And since I have already started working on my project at ITMO, it made no sense to go to a different university.
Would you like to share a piece of advice for future students?
I feel like it is my responsibility to share my experience with other students. I know how important it was for me when I first arrived here in St. Petersburg. I would say: ITMO is one of the best places for you to get your education. There are numerous opportunities available for international students. Also, I would urge students to go for scholarships. There’s a high chance you will get funded.
Also, I would ask my readers to feel free to reach out to me with their questions. You can find me here.