Hi, thanks for joining me today. Please introduce yourself to our readers.
Hello, thanks for the invitation. My full name is Ege Başar Kasap, but you can just call me Ege. I’m currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in software engineering at ITMO University.
Where are you from?
I’m from Burdur, a small city in Turkey close to Antalya. It’s home to about 90,000 people. It’s quiet and friendly, with a laid-back vibe, but it’s also close to bigger cities and the coastline.
What was your childhood like in Burdur?
Growing up in a small city has its advantages – it’s peaceful, you know everyone, and you can run into friends just by walking around. But sometimes, it’s a bit boring. Because of that, I often traveled to other cities to explore and have fun.
Where did you study before coming to ITMO?
I studied at Turuncu Anatolian School. It was a small school with around 200 students and 10 classrooms.
Why did you decide to study in Russia?
I always wanted to study abroad, but studying in the EU was too expensive for me. Right now, 1 euro is about 35 Turkish Lira. However, I discovered the Russian government scholarship and applied. In January 2023, I went to Ankara for interviews, and by early February I had been awarded a scholarship. From that point, I focused solely on preparing for my move to Russia.
How did you discover ITMO?
I was watching YouTube videos about Russian universities when I learned about ITMO. I’ve always wanted to study something related to computers and the more I researched, the more convinced I became that ITMO was the perfect choice for me.

Photo courtesy of the subject
What are you studying at ITMO?
I’m studying in the program Computer Technologies in Design, which focuses on software engineering and its applications in various media.
What motivated you to choose this field?
I’ve been interested in computers and informatics since I was a child. Over time, I realized that software is the profession of the future and I wanted to specialize in it. It’s a field where I can create, solve problems, and contribute to technological advancement.
That’s cool. How has your life been in Russia so far?
I arrived in St. Petersburg on September 17, 2023. At first, it was quite challenging because everything was unfamiliar – the language, the food, and the culture. I wasn’t sure if I could adapt to such a big change. But over time, I made friends from many different countries, both inside and outside the university, and that helped me adjust. Spending time with them, learning about their cultures, and exploring St. Petersburg together has been a great experience.
What’s your go-to spot in St. Petersburg?
I usually go to Coffeeshop Company with my friends. We love drinking coffee, talking about our lessons, and helping each other with homework. I also enjoy going to the Gazprom Arena to watch football matches.
Are you living in a dormitory or an apartment?
I’m living in the dormitory on Vyazemsky Lane 5-7. It’s convenient and cozy, and I’ve met a lot of great people there.
Have you faced any challenges since coming to Russia?
One of the biggest challenges is transferring money from Turkey because of embargoes, which can sometimes cause problems. Another challenge is the weather – it’s a huge change for me. Back in Antalya, it could get as hot as +45°C, but here in St. Petersburg, I experienced -36°C in my first winter itself. It was an incredible and unforgettable experience!
What do you like to do in your free time?
I’ve been playing basketball for 10 years, and it’s still one of my favorite activities. I also love watching football, and I’m a passionate fan of Galatasaray, one of the best Turkish football teams. I watch their matches every week.
Have you been to other Russian cities?
So far, I’ve only been to Moscow and St. Petersburg. I didn’t have much time to explore Moscow since I was there mainly for a trip back to Turkey, but I hope to visit more places in the future.

Ege at the Hermitage Museum. Photo courtesy of the subject
Is there a Russian dish that you consider your favorite?
Yes, there is! My favorite Russian dish is пельмени (pelmeni). We have a similar dish in Turkey (manti – Ed.), but I think Russian pelmeni are even better.
Sounds delicious! Well, what are your plans after graduation?
I want to work at a software company and continue developing my skills. I haven’t decided where I’ll live yet, but I really love St. Petersburg. So, I might stay and work here.
Do you have any advice for future ITMO students?
ITMO offers a very high-quality education, but it’s not as easy as it might seem from the outside. You have to work hard to succeed. If you can find a good balance between studying and enjoying life, your time here will be both rewarding and enjoyable.
Such a great piece of advice. Is there anything else you’d like to add?
Russian is a fun but challenging language to learn. My advice to future students is to learn some basic Russian before coming here. It’ll make your life much easier!