
This ad by not only helped me get into the Christmas and New Year mood last year, but also taught me several Russian words and phrases. I also really like the mini sketch, it is  humorous yet wholesome. For someone who has spent just over a year in Russia, this ad wins the crown of the special one. 


Shockingly, this video has been in my life for almost seven years and it still makes me tear up every time I watch it. You have to bear with it, as it’s a little longer than your typical TV ad, but boy are those 2.5 minutes worth it. It conjures this feeling of childlike wonder for the often unappreciated miracles on Earth – and yes, leaves you with a burning desire to travel, to hug the whole planet with all its secrets and beauty. 


Apparently, this catchy ad promoting a factory that makes fans was among the first ones that appeared on Russian/late-Soviet television. It’s over 30 years old, so I haven’t caught it on TV due to not being born at the time, but I saw it on the web years ago and it still haunts me.


Anything you can do I can do better… with a power tool… Because who doesn't want to come home to a sizzling steak dinner?  Takeaways about Russian culture: Pressed clothes are a must, beer goes with mayo, and guys can get the chores done (sometimes, with a list). 


Because it’s fall aka the season of sickness or whatever, the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of the best ads of all time is the old-as-me commercial of the cough syrup Bromhexine Berlin-chemie. It does a fantastic job of making me indulge in nostalgia about the times when my only problem was to pronounce the name of this medicine (though, I might still sometimes have my moments), but jokes aside, this is a fun ad with a blue bear as the main “superhero” and a catchy and creative slogan that is forever stuck in my mind. 


Out of all the weird ads from the ‘00s, this masterpiece is the one I remember the most vividly. Maybe it’s my mom who always carried this chewing gum in her purse, maybe it’s the shock of realising that there’re fancy ladies who are eager to clean up my mouth (and that’s why you should never swallow them!). Anyways, I feel like it’s still a solid reason to take two pieces of chewing gum at a time: I'm no monster to tear besties apart.