Search by tag «Music» 102 results

  • Programming Music with Sonic Pi: A How-To

    At a first glance, programmers and musicians may seem to have very little in common, but in reality these two activities are not so dissimilar. This is something Vladimir Krasilshchik, a Java expert with a 15-year work record in the field, strongly believes in. In a recent lecture at ITMO University, he drew parallels between the two arts and demonstrated how computer-enabled creation of music via the Sonic Pi software can shorten the learning curve and help aspiring musicians stick up with their training. 


  • Song of the Month: March 2019

    Ever wondered what our life would be without music? Here are some options for you to consider: A) boring as hell, B) drab as a grey Monday morning, C) tedious like a meeting that seems to go on forever. Or would you go for D) all of the above? We at ITMO.NEWS are of the same view and prepared a list of songs that just couldn’t quit our heads in the tentatively spring-y month of March. Enjoy!


  • This Weekend in St. Petersburg: March 23-24

    Catch the exhibition of Frida Kahlo’s works, listen to classical music at St. Isaac’s Cathedral, and go to space at the Virtual Reality World show! Here is our weekly list of the best events taking place in St. Pete this weekend.


  • Movie Fridays: Fine Tuning

    We bet you were expecting us to cover the 2019 Oscars, werent’cha? Well our hurt is still as raw as are the emotions in that Saucy, oh sorry, Shallow duet, so we’ll save our breath for later. (Green of all things Book winning best picture? Rami Malek is best actor? Did the world end and we all ended up in hell and I knew nothing about it?) Instead, today’s Movie Fridays tackles something that, unlike a good half of the 2019 Academy awardees, we all love: music in movies. Or, to get a tad more technical, diegetic music in movies, the one that is part and parcel of their internal narrative, interacting with the characters and their surroundings. Drumroll and... please meet, some of cinema’s best musical moments, part one (of eternity)!


  • This Weekend in St. Petersburg: March 2-3

    Happy March! Let’s celebrate the joyous fact that spring has finally sprung with these fun springtime events in St. Petersburg.


  • 5 Incredible Facts You Didn’t Know About Music

    Music has long been a topic of research, and 2018 was no exception. This article by ITMO.NEWS features a selection of research projects that focus on how music affects your brain, helps you learn languages, impacts your food choices, as well as how people with different levels of empathy respond to music, and why heavy metal is beneficial for your health. Read on to learn the details.


  • Musicians: Nature or Nurture? Science Journalist Asya Kazantseva Explains

    If you practice music for 10,000 hours, you’ll become a professional musician, and your brain will change, bringing you lots of perks for dealing with challenges in other areas of life, say psychologists and neurobiologists. No, answer genetics, if a child doesn’t have an innate talent for music, there is no way you can make them practice for 10,000 hours. And if they have a talent, it doesn’t matter whether they want to do music or not; they will be able to solve problems with an ease similar to that of a musician, and it isn’t because they’ve practiced, but because they fundamentally have good genes. This was the topic of the recent Okhta Lab lecture by a science journalist Asya Kazantseva.


  • The Magic of St. Petersburg Philharmonia

    From an incredible orchestra to crystal chandeliers and chocolate truffles during intermission, Saint Petersburg Philharmonia is both a treat for music lovers and a quintessential Petersburg experience.   


  • This Weekend in St. Petersburg: August 4-5

    A blues music festival, a local produce fair, and a sailing regatta: as always, St. Petersburg is buzzing with events you can attend this weekend!


  • This Weekend in St. Petersburg: July 28-29

    This Sunday, July 29, Russia celebrates Navy Day, which means there will be no shortage of great events for you to attend!
