Search by tag «Main» 2238 results

  • ITMO University Becomes the Co-Founder of CINPET Innovation Center

    On March 27, ITMO became one of the co-founders of the new Center for Innovative Research, Development and Production Technologies, CINPET. The new center will focus on solving problems that have to do with the city economy, including those related to energy. Students of its partner universities will get the opportunity to offer their projects for optimizing the center's work.


  • “Physics: the Game of Light” - ITMO University and Newtonew Launch a New Online Game for School Students

    ITMO and the Newtonew educational portal launch a new online game "Physics: the Game of Light", which is aimed at attracting talented and motivated applicants to study at the university. The participants will get the opportunity to check their grasp of physics, as well as earn up to 10 points that would be added to their Unified State Examination score.


  • Brandbook 2.0: ITMO Style

    ​Russia's leading university in IT and Photonics continues to develop its corporate style, as well as a system of sub-brands. The recent changes were reflected in the renewed brandbook that was published on ITMO's official portal.


  • Happy Birthday ITMO!

    Tomorrow, on March 26, it's ITMO University’s 117th birthday — if you care for our First Non-Classical, be sure to celebrate! Treat yourself to some cake, and share the news with your friends with a special postcard — become the sports programming champion, teleport to Bora Bora or just join the thousands of ITMO’s successful graduates — all that you dream of today may well become tomorrow’s reality! Check it out here.


  • ITMO’s Robotic Center: New Projects by WRO’s Award Winners

    Creating a robot that can prevent forest fires, define and erase "bad" graffiti or hand paint a Christmas ball? Easy as pie! — say specialists from the Robotic Center of ITMO's School of Computer Technologies and Controls, where champions of many Russian and foreign competitions design their robots. Read more of the Center's projects and ideas in our article.


  • Mobile University: ITMO Presents Plans and Research Projects to Project 5−100's International Council

    On Saturday, March 18, the Council on Competitiveness Enhancement of Leading Russian Universities among Global Research and Education Centers finished its recent session. Representatives of 21 universities — Project 5−100's participants — gathered in Moscow to report their results and define plans for 2017.


  • What’s Behind the So-Called "Vitamin Deficiency" And How To Cope With It?

    ​Most of those who've lived in St. Petersburg know well that the beginning of spring doesn't always mean the end of one's winter doldrums. Surely, one gets used to the city's strange climate, yet in the beginning of spring you just can't escape the feeling of overwhelming tiredness. Most blame the springtime "vitamin deficiency"… Yet, is that really the case? Alexander Ishevskiy, head of ITMO's Department of Meat and Fish Processing and Refrigeration, shared about the topic.


  • New Material Makes it Possible to Record Data with Light

    Russian physicists with their colleagues from Europe through changing the light parameters, learned to generate quasiparticles — excitons, which were fully controllable and also helped to record information at room temperature. These particles act as a transitional form between photons and electrons so the researchers believe that with excitons, they will be able to create compact optoelectronic devices for rapid recording and processing an optical signal. The proposed method is based on the use of a special class of materials called metal-organic frameworks. The study appeared in Advanced Materials.


  • Those Who Code: Female Programmers on Gender Issues in IT

    When one talks about programmers, the first image that comes to mind is a bearded man with a cat, some geek in hipster glasses, or a nerd that doesn't see behind his monitor… Anything but a woman. There is still a stereotype that coding is not for women, which is being gradually destroyed by those girls who become interested in IT and study it. ITMO.NEWS interviewed those who fight this stereotype daily. Female IT students from different Russian universities shared about why working in IT is on-trend, how they feel among their male colleagues and whether they ever faced gender inequality problems in their professional lives.


  • It’s Hard to Be a Superhero: Rector Vladimir Vasilyev Shares Some Life Tips

    ITMO University’s Career Service Centre launched the ITMO.SuperHeroes project, the first meeting was held on 3 March. The special guest speaker, Vladimir Vasilyev, ITMO’s Rector, talked about his own super villain, the dream team and the first non-classical university.
