Search by tag «Main» 2235 results

  • This Weekend in St. Petersburg: March 26-27, 2022

    It’s getting warmer and sunnier in the city as we are nearing the last weekend of March. Here is our usual weekly guide on what to do in St. Petersburg on the weekend to help you plan ahead and make the most of it.


  • Outcomes of 6th St. Petersburg International Labor Forum

    The 6th St. Petersburg International Labor Forum took place on March 14-18. This event brought together representatives of business, administration, science, education, and HR. They discussed new tendencies and challenges of the labor market, such as the lack of IT specialists. Read on to find out more about the measures taken by employers to solve the pressing problems, as well as what to expect in the future.


  • 12 Decades: A Lot More Than 12 Milestones!

    On March 26, our beloved university is going to celebrate its 122nd year of existence. Starting its journey as the first school to train specialists in the domains of mechanics, optics, and watchmaking, ITMO’s journey has been no less than an adventure. Through thick and thin, ITMO has always believed in its five core values in tandem with cutting-edge science, high-quality education, and innovation. Let us take a walk down memory lane and look at key moments in ITMO’s history.


  • ITMO Is Hiring: Vacancies for Projects Within 2030 Development Strategy

    ITMO is looking for specialists to join the projects within the 2030 Development Strategy – all opportunities will be posted on the official website. The current list of specialists includes researchers – PhD students and postdocs, as well as engineers and lab assistants. Read on to learn more about job requirements and opportunities offered to future employees. 


  • Geneticist Bayazit Yunusbayev On How Genetics Can Help Fight Autoimmune Diseases

    For several years Bayazit Yunusbayev had been studying the mechanisms behind the autoimmune and allergic diseases at the University of Tartu (Estonia), and last year he joined ITMO’s SCAMT Institute, where he heads the Evolutionary Biomedicine group, to continue with his research. Bayazit Yunusbayev came to the university as part of the ITMO Fellowship & Professorship program that allows researchers to work at the university for several years. Read on to learn more about gene mutations responsible for immune system adaptation and discover other areas studied by the lab. 


  • ITMO Launches New Master’s Program in Deep Learning and Generative AI

    In 2022 ITMO University’s Machine Learning Lab will launch the new Deep Learning and Generative AI Master’s program that will train specialists capable of developing and studying contemporary machine learning algorithms and AI systems. Graduates of the program will be able to build their careers as ML/AI researchers and ML/AI research engineers at major companies. 


  • ITMO Students Win Alfa Bank Contest and Receive 300,000 Ruble Prizes

    Every year, Alfa Bank offers talented students the opportunity to receive funding for developing their professional skills or their projects via the Alfa Chance program. This year, Arina Dorofeeva and Denis Martseniuk, third-year Bachelor’s students at ITMO University, won the contest. Read on to learn how the winners can spend their cash prizes and how to increase your chances of winning. 


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #1

    Here at ITMO.NEWS, we’re always making sure to share with you the latest news about the tremendous work accomplished by our university’s researchers. In case you missed any of them, here’s a quickfire roundup of the past week’s breakthroughs and discoveries.


  • ITMO Scientists Develop Method to Easily Synthesize Materials With Set Properties

    Researchers from ITMO’s SCAMT Institute have demonstrated the possibility of using the sol-gel method to produce various porous monolithic structures from magnetite nanoparticles. The new method can produce multifunctional materials with complex hierarchical structures, such as the xero-, cryo-, and aerogel of magnetite. Thanks to this approach, it is possible to control the composition of the resulting porous materials through the relation of their compounds’ concentrations. One of the method’s most promising applications is biomedicine – the new aerogel can be used to stop bleeding and xerogel can serve as a repository for drug transportation.  


  • Russian Researchers Suggest Innovative Approach to Production of Microfluidic Modules

    Scientists from ITMO University and the P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute have developed a unique production method for microfluidic modules based on composites of metals and polymers. Upon contact with a module, droplets of liquid flow towards the areas with the smallest wetting angle. Such modules can significantly facilitate the production of biochips, sensors, and medical express tests.
