Ramy, thank you for joining us today. Let’s start with your introduction.
Thank you for having me. My name is Ramy Mohamed Mohamed Said, and I’m from Zagazig, the capital of Al-Sharqia Governorate, located in the eastern part of the Nile Delta in Egypt. This is where I was born and brought up. I did my schooling there as well. Before completing my final year of high school, I started looking into various scholarships abroad, and that's when I applied for a Russian government scholarship for a Bachelor's degree in robotics and AI, with mechatronics and robotics being my subjects of specialization.
That’s interesting. You applied for scholarships in multiple countries, right? Can you share more about that?
Yes, I applied to several countries and I received partial funding from some of them. I also received full scholarships from a few prestigious universities in Egypt, such as the American University in Cairo. However, I chose to study in Russia, particularly at ITMO, because of its remarkable track record in the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC). ITMO is the only university in the world that has won this prestigious competition seven times, and I felt that the university’s focus on robotics and engineering aligned perfectly with my interests and goals.
And was there something that appealed to you about Russia in general?
I’ve always been fascinated by Russian culture and the country’s rich history in space exploration, literature, and arts really piqued my interest. I wanted to experience it firsthand, not just academically but also culturally. I’m excited to learn more about it while I’m here.
Circling back to the scholarship – could you share what it includes?
The Russian government scholarship is very comprehensive. It covers tuition and provides a monthly stipend for living expenses. While the stipend may not be sufficient to cover all expenses, it’s enough to pay for accommodation at one of ITMO’s dormitories. With careful planning and some additional sources of income such as a part-time job, students can manage day-to-day needs easily. For me, the scholarship has been a great way to access high-quality education and immerse myself in a new environment.
How has your experience at ITMO been so far?
I began my stint in Russia with a year-long Foundation Program at the Peter the Great Polytechnic University. It really helped me adjust to the language and the academic system. It was great preparation for starting my Bachelor’s here at ITMO. The first week at ITMO was challenging because the lectures here were fast-paced and totally in Russian. But now I’m slowly getting more comfortable. I’ve adapted to the classes and my grades are also improving. I’m enjoying the learning environment here.
That’s great to hear! As you’ve experienced both the Egyptian and Russian educational systems, do you notice any major differences?
Yes, there are quite a few differences. In Egypt, there are only a few top universities for engineering, and the competition is quite intense. Robotics is still a very new and niche subject in Egypt and it's rare to find a good program. However, the Russian education system is more flexible, allowing students to choose subjects that align with their interests. ITMO, in particular, has a great focus on innovation, robotics, and technology, which is what drew me here. It feels like there’s more freedom to explore and pursue your dreams.
That’s excellent. What specific areas of robotics and mechatronics are you most interested in?
I’m particularly interested in drones and how they interact with the Internet of Things (IoT). Right now, I’m working on a project where I’m building a drone that monitors different terrains. For example, it would be able to navigate deserts, permafrost, and rainforests with equal efficiency and precision. It’s still a work in progress, but I’m really excited about the possibilities in this field.

Ramy at a robotics conference. Photo courtesy of the subject
Do you plan on turning your ideas into a business venture?
Yes, absolutely. I’m interested in entrepreneurship, and I plan to get in touch with the ITMO Accelerator to help turn my ideas into a successful startup. The university offers great support for students who want to start their own businesses, both in terms of counseling and funding, and I want to take full advantage of that.
That’s wonderful! Now, on to a different topic – how are you adjusting to Russian life, specifically, in the realm of food and weather?
The food is quite interesting! I love borscht and I’ve gotten used to Russian salads and cakes! My staples, however, are plov and shawarma. They are not truly Russian dishes, but I really enjoy them here.
As for the weather, it was a bit difficult at first, especially the cold and snow. I am not used to such weather because, in Egypt, it hardly gets so cold. But I’m gradually getting used to it. The Russian winter is harsh, but I’m adjusting to it little by little.
The Russian winter can definitely be tough for newcomers. Have you been to other cities in Russia?
I haven’t had the chance to explore much yet, but I’m planning to visit Moscow during the New Year holidays. I need to go there for some work-related meetings and I plan to explore the city while I’m there.

Ramy in St. Petersburg. Photo courtesy of the subject
Speaking of work – what is it that you do and how do you combine work and studies?
I work as the marketing manager for a travel company that organizes tours in Russia. My job involves creating advertisement campaigns, working on promotions, and doing other marketing tasks.
Since it’s an online job, I can balance it with my studies without too much difficulty. My job doesn’t require me to spend too many hours each day. I can manage my work and studies quite conveniently. The job also helps me earn some extra money, which is useful for supporting my lifestyle here in St. Petersburg.
Sounds smart! Lastly, do you have any advice for future students from Egypt or anyone thinking about studying abroad?
My advice would be to follow your passion and pursue what you truly enjoy. Everyone has some skill or interest – focus on that and work hard to develop it. Don’t be afraid to follow your dreams, even if they seem challenging. With dedication and passion, you can achieve great things, and it will make a huge difference in your life.
That’s wonderful advice. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us, Ramy. It’s been a pleasure talking to you!
Thank you! It was great talking to you as well.