Healthy body…
It’s hard enough to stay physically active when you’ve got a gym membership, but staying in shape when all you’ve got is four walls and (best-case scenario) a yoga mat? Now that’s a serious challenge. Thankfully, we’ve already prepared a list of online resources – from workout apps and challenges to top YouTube gurus – to help you find the optimal workout routine.
Did you know:
The World Health Organization recommends 150 minutes (just ~20 minutes a day!) of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity per week.
Of course, another key factor in staying healthy at home is nutrition. A good diet is important not only to your physical health, but your mental well-being, as well. Check our guide to healthy eating at home to learn more.
...and healthy mind
To paraphrase the late Douglas Adams, the most important thing in any situation is not to panic. But that’s easier said than done.

Credit: Stephen Harlan (@gogostevie) on Unsplash
With so many sources of stress in our lives, how does one rise above it? First, we’ll need to understand the nature of stress: what causes it, how it works, and how it manifests. If it’s the pandemic that’s got your anxiety levels spiking, read up on how to deal with COVID-induced angst. Maybe you're stressed about your finals? In that case, check out our guide to dealing with exam stress.
Naturally, caring for your mental health isn’t a one-time process. It takes dedication and patience to become the best you. That’s why we’ve rounded up a list of the best free online courses on mental healthcare on subjects varying from anxiety and impostor syndrome to achieving mindfulness. You can also check out our own quick guide to staying positive or the ITMO.NEWS editorial team’s top ways to boost their moods during the winter season.
But spending your winter break at home isn’t all about working out, meditating, and self-improvement. It’s also about simply having a good time! Besides binging on shows and honing your cooking skills, how about hopping on the podcast bandwagon? All the cool kids are listening to ‘casts these days – and the perfect place to begin is with our list of the top five anti-boredom podcasts.
If you’re missing your friends – or looking for new ones – then what could be better than having a good old game night? Thanks to the wonders of the internet, you don’t even have to be in the same room with each other to enjoy a round or two of Monopoly with your pals (that is, until someone builds a hotel on Mayfair – then, the bonds of friendship no longer apply).
Board games not your thing? In that case, check out our list of great multiplayer and co-op games to play with friends.

Credit: Victoria Bilsborough (@vicbils) on Unsplash
Thinking of picking up a new hobby? From coding and journaling to watercolors and poetry-writing, we’ve got a great list of where to start. You can even make your own contribution to human knowledge by taking part in any of a great number of citizen science initiatives. You can also read about an ITMO.NEWS reporter’s tale of his own experience as a participant of the Zooniverse project.
Missing the great outdoors? You can head outside and enjoy a number of great winter activities, including ice skating – as long as you remember to maintain social distancing! Or you can get the big picture – as in travel the world and then some – from the comfort of your home.