Search by tag «Hackathon» 63 results

  • Winners of ITMO.STARS Talk About Their First Year at ITMO University

    In this article, we will share the stories of ITMO University students who were admitted to study at ITMO based on their projects and research.


  • ITMO Hosts MemoryHack: New IT Services for a Project About Veterans

    Due to the pandemic, every grand public event, including Eurovision, Wimbledon and the Tokyo Olympics, has been cancelled. The many online competitions, on the other hand, have grown even more popular. For instance, 113 programmers and web-developers from all over Russia took part in the MemoryHack remote hackathon. According to the event organizers, they have received five times more applications than expected. The participants had 36 hours to design new services for Memory Road, a project about the veterans of World War II. Among the winners of the contest are ITMO University students, who told us about their projects and impressions of the online hackathon.


  • HackUniversity: ITMO Students Become Award Winners at First Distributed Hackathon

    On March 20-22, the national university hackathon HackUniversity took place. This is the first time that the competition has been conducted online: over 90 teams solved cases and communicated with organizers in real-time mode. The four teams that became the competition’s award winners were from ITMO University. We talked to the members of team Inview and learned about the hackathon’s proceedings and the solution they proposed.


  • Machine Learning Hackathon by Botan Investments and AMZScout Takes Place at ITMO University

    A large-scale machine learning hackathon with a total prize fund of 425,000 rubles took place at ITMO University in March, with more than 100 people taking part. Among the sponsors were the company N.scouting and the Botan Investments foundation. Read on to find out more information about the hackathon’s tasks, winners, and rewards in this article by ITMO.NEWS. .find_in_page{background-color:#ffff00 !important;padding:0px;margin:0px;overflow:visible !important;}.find_selected{background-color:#ff9632 !important;padding:0px;margin:0px;overflow:visible !important;}


  • First ITMO Ecohack Participants Create Automatic Waste Sorting System

    ITMO University has recently hosted its first environmental hackathon. The contest, co-organized by the ITMO.GREEN eco-club and ITMO Case Club, took place at Business Incubator Ingria. The participants had to come up with a way to automatize paper waste collection at ITMO University. Read on to learn more about the outcome of this hackathon and the prospects of the project. 


  • Hack the Sea: Results of First Hackathon by ITMO University and Wärtsilä Digital Technologies

    The two-day Hack the Sea hackathon has recently been held at ITMO University. This is the first hackathon organized by ITMO together with the Finnish company Wärtsilä Digital Technologies, which manufactures navigation equipment for large watercraft. Over 20 students, most of them representing ITMO’s Information Technologies and Programming Faculty, had to develop an app for facilitating the navigation around the Finnish company’s headquarters. More on the hackathon’s results in this article. 


  • ITMO University Student Team Becomes All-Round Winner of Moscow Travel Hack

    Representing ITMO at the hackathon were four teams, two of which won in their respective tracks and passed into the finals. One of them, Golden PSZh, became the all-round winner of Russia’s first large-scale hackathon on digitalization in the field of tourism. Right now, the students are in discussions on incorporating their system into a potential customer’s operations. More on the students’ training in the Digital Generation club, the tracks and the solutions, as well as their impressions of the event in this article by ITMO.NEWS.


  • ITMO Students Develop Multiplatform App for Social Project on Urban Orienteering

    In February 2019, ITMO University’s Faculty of Infocommunication Technologies hosted a career guidance hackathon. Among the winners were four students – Ilya Zakoulov, Maksim Pahmurin, Denis Arlakov, and Rostislav Nurdinov – who developed an app for a social project about urban orienteering. After the competition, the team decided to continue developing their app, now in collaboration with the team of that social project. Now, their multiplatform app has exited development and become a part of the project. More about the app, urban orienteering, and the boons of cooperation below.


  • ScienceMedia Hackathon for Aspiring Journalists at ITMO University

    This year marks the fifth time that St. Petersburg hosts ScienceMedia, a competition that brings together talented and motivated students interested in science journalism. This was the second time that the event was held in the format of a hackathon. A total of 75 students from 25 Russian regions took part in the competition. In the course of two days, they listened to lectures, solved practical tasks, and were given 24 hours to come up with a full-fledged longread covering the tours they’d been to. Read on to learn more about the competition and its participants.


  • Conference School on Photonics, Radio Physics and Nanotechnologies at Sirius

    The second Conference School on Photonics, Radio Physics and Nanotechnologies took place in Sochi from November 2 to 5. The event was organized by the Sirius educational center in collaboration with ITMO University; scientists from Jean Lamour Institute (France) acted as invited speakers. Read about the event’s participants, courses and results in an article by ITMO.NEWS.
