Culture shock

The most important thing to know about moving abroad – even if for a year or two – is that culture shock is unavoidable. It doesn’t matter how much you prepare or how similar your culture is to the new one. And yet, culture shock isn’t always a bad thing! It can also help you learn many things about yourself and others, see things from another perspective, and adopt new, better approaches to familiar situations.

But, naturally, it pays off to be prepared. Start by learning about the commonly accepted stages of culture shock – our guide will help you recognize each one at its very start. In the linked article, you’ll also hear from some of our students and get acquainted with the basic coping strategies that’ll make your path as comfortable as possible.

For even more advice straight from ITMO’s student counselors, check out our Fish Out of Water story. One of the featured tips is to meet like-minded peers through student clubs, so be sure to read the guide to ITMO’s student clubs and how to join one. As an international student, you may rely on the guidance of your assigned ITMO Buddy. And last year, we even chatted to current and former students about the best ways to make new friends as a student – have a look!

More about student clubs at ITMO:

Gaming Sessions Every Saturday: Play Board Games with GEEKMO Student Club

ITMO.GREEN: Students Doing Their Best to Save the World

ITMO’s Intelligentsia Culture Club: Be Kinder to Others and Never Fear Change

Zemlyachestva: Bridging Cultures and Reviving Traditions at ITMO

ITMakeup: Beauty, Self-Acceptance and Online Makeup Tutorials


Whether you’re learning Russian at ITMO, with a tutor, or on your own, grasping the basics will massively benefit your experience in the city – and help offset some of the aforementioned culture shock! Luckily, we’ve already written dozens upon dozens of articles on the Russian language about all sorts of things – from local slang to tongue twisters; you can check them all out via the link above, but here are a few choice picks to get you started:


Speak Like a Russian: Starting Out

Handling Everyday Situations in Russian

5 Phrases to Master the Russian Language


International Student's Handbook: Student Slang at ITMO University

Learning Russian: International Students’ Insights

Speak Like a Russian: Student Slang


Learning Russian: Beyond the Classroom

Top Russian Remakes of Popular Shows & Series to Boost Your Russian

How To Have Fun and Learn New Skills in Russia (Without Speaking Russian)

Everyday life & etiquette

Even the most mundane tasks, such as taking a bus, may feel like a challenge to a recent arrival. Some things are universal worldwide, while others differ from country to country. It might be hard to tell which is which at first. Surely, you’ll get the hang of it with time, but here is some info that will help you pass for a local from day one:

Secret Rules of Russian Public Transport

Our Favorite Russian Household Hacks

How to Get in Trouble at a Russian Dinner Table

Exploring Religious Diversity of St. Petersburg: Rules and Etiquette

As you can see, there are some nuances, but it’s not too overwhelming. You might find that the advantages of living in Russia might be an even bigger surprise than cultural differences.


Long gone are the days when it felt like the only way to study history was through textbooks full of names and dates that sooner or later get mixed up in your head. Thankfully, there are many alternatives that can help you learn something new in a more fun way. One of them is to go for other media. Among the visual ways to learn Russian history are digital projects, documentaries, and educational YouTube channels.

In case you don’t mind reading, but aren’t sure where to start, consider picking a narrow topic and focusing on it. Bonus points if it’s something you’re already interested in! We have a lot of short stories to choose from. Here are some of them to get you started:


Russian Football Leagues: History and Overview

Traditional Sports: Slavic Baseball, Boxing, and More;


An Overview of Early Russian Cinema

Russian Hollywood: Mosfilm Behind the Scenes;


How Did People Dress in the USSR? Soviet Fashion Explained

Russian Folk Dress: Fashion Items From Centuries Ago.

And for those who want to dig even deeper, we have articles on unique documents providing insight into Medieval Russia: chronicles and birch bark manuscripts


You've probably heard about the mysterious “Russian soul,” the inexplicable essence of history, culture, and character that unites the nation. More often than not, these days, Russians use this phrase ironically – which isn’t to say there aren’t ways to get to know it. We suggest taking various avenues: 

  • Food

By far the easiest one, for it doesn’t require any reading or talking – just attuning your taste buds to the country’s culinary diversity. If you are feeling daring, you could start with the weirdest foods Russia has to offer – many considered freakish by locals, too. Next stops on your journey may include kasha, all kinds of dairy products, unappetizingly named but delicious desserts, and more! Find our collected food wisdom – Russia-specific and otherwise – here.

  • The Russian way

Even if you didn’t grow up in Russia, it doesn’t mean you’ve missed your chance to try doing everyday things like a Russian. We even have a special series all about that, aptly called Do It Like a Russian – have a blast with it. And if you are curious about some typical Russian childhood experiences, here are some insights: 

Four Games Every Russian Played As a Child

Typical Russian Summer Part 1: The Best Childhood Memories

Typical Russian Summer Part 2: The Best Childhood Memories

Ringing Bells and Songs: Start Your Academic Year Like a Russian

Dress Like a Russian: Holiday Costumes 

  • Quotes 

It might sometimes feel like people speak in riddles around you, especially the older generations, referencing some seemingly unrelated names and events. Quite often, this would be because they are quoting a Soviet movie or some poem everyone learns at school. Take a look at this story for the most famous literary references and this one for famous catchphrases; for cinematic references, turn to our Russian Hollywood series, and for a rundown on some local memes, go here.

  • Music

We’ll be brief here, all you need to do is listen: 

Three Iconic Russian Pop Tunes Making a Viral Comeback 

5 Russian Must-Know Singers Topping the Charts

5 Russian Must-Know Iconic Singers

5 Russian Must-Know Pop Singers  

  • Folklore

Finally, for a truly deep dive into the country’s culture, what better place to look than its very roots: from traditional dress to unusual ancient sports, traditional celebrations and more. You can find it all here.